Fort Knox Presale Contract Review

3 min readDec 5, 2021


Review Date: 5 Dec 2021 10:13 UTC

Basic Information


Owner Address:

Payment Token Address (MIM):

Reward Token Address (RedeemKnox(aKnox)):

Interesting Point

1. The contract ownership is not renounced

2. aKnox Token contract is not Verified at the time of writing this review.

2. This contract use multiple file format which consist of Presale.sol, Address.sol, ERC20.sol, IERC20.sol, IOwnable.sol, Ownable.sol, SafeERC20.sol, and SafeMath.sol . Since most of this is a boilerplate (library) code, I’ll focus on the Presale.sol for this review.

Noted that there is nothing wrong about usage of Multiple file contract its just a preference of code convention of the developer.

3. buySomeToken function is use for user to trade MIM for aKnox token only when presale is open by the owner, the amount user bought is less than or equal to the remaining user allocation (remainingPayment), and there is still enough reward token (aKnox) remaining. The function didn’t exactly check if the user is whitelist but check for the remaining allocation instead.

When the user bought the buy with MIM (paymentToken), MIM is sent to the contract and the contract send aKnox (rewardToken) to the user immediately. There is no claiming needed since the buy already give you aKnox.

buySomeToken function in Presale.sol

4. Total of 50,000,000 aKnox token is mint on the contract creation phase and send the owner, the owner then send 400,200 aKnox to the contract. So owner has a total of 49,599,800 aKnox remaining in the wallet. So if there is a trade of aKnox or liquidity available the owner can dump the remaining aKnox to the market on the other hand the owner can also use it to add liquidity.

Minted Txn:

All Owner Transaction Txn:

aKnox Transaction

5. retrievePayments function can only be use by the owner at anytime. The function send all MIM in the contract (paymentToken) to the owner wallet.

retrievePayments function in Presale.sol

Closing Thought

1. This contract is similar to other contract where the owner can withdraw all funds from the contract at anytime using retrievePayments without going into a treasury, add liquidity or other well define use-case contract.

2. The buying process give you the aKnox token right away so there is no risk in not able to get the aKnox process.

3. There is a risk of people starting to add aKnox liquidity and create a market although the amount of liquidity will be low.

4. There is a risk of owner adding the liquidity to the market and dump the aKnox gradually overtime since there is still 49,599,800 aKnox in the owner wallet.

5. No exchange aKnox for Knox token exist in the Presale contract unlike some other contract (E.g. aRome presale have an exchange function within the presale contract). So there is a risk of exchange contract not being created as well.

6. Overall this is a simple and short contract where user can buy MIM for aKnox with the possible risk mention above.

Possible Rug Route

Here we demonstrate a possible way to rug with this contract

  1. Let people buy aKnox in exchange of MIM with buySomeToken function
  2. Owner use retrievePayments to get all MIM into the owner address and the exchange aKnox for Knox is never created.

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