Ironhack’s prework: Ines Moreno_Challenge 2

Wireframing and analyzing the user’s flow on the Yuka app

Inés Moreno Boluda
2 min readAug 3, 2023

For this challenge, I decided to work with the independent app Yuka which reads product labels and analyzes the health impact of food and cosmetic products. Yuka is a 100% independent project which does not accept funding from any brand or manufacturer and hence produces objective non-biased recommendations.

Yuka app

I decided to work on this app because, as a user, I find its concept really interesting and support its transparency and values.

Yuka’s mission is to help consumers make better choices for their health.
In doing so, it aims to drive manufacturers to offer better products.

I, of course, decided to work on the scanning-product user flow since it is the main feature of the app. For this, I identified the different steps involved:

  1. Open the app
  2. Go to the ‘Scan menu’
  3. Scan your product
  4. Scroll up to see the details
  5. Open each info box to see more information
  6. Scroll through better recommendations

With these steps defined, I created my first low-fidelity sketched wireframe.

And then translated this to Figma to create my first prototype!

