River Mondego, tragic love story in Portugal

Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2016


Here we can enjoy Mondego river clear waters, running under the Atalhada Bridge close to the little Portuguese village where I work: Fiais da Beira in Portugal. Has it source from Serra da Estrela, or Estrela Mountains, the highest mountain range in Portugal.
This ancient bridge used to be one of the few connecting north and south since the 18th century. Therefore, this road was used not only by locals but by nobles, soldiers and merchants from far afield. It was recently restored, but you can still picture how it was back then! In modern days, driving around these woods is an experience I strongly recommend to everyone!

Atalhada Bridge
Atalhada Bridge
Mondego River

Many stories and legends are telling how this river was named, but I have decided to share the most romantic one…
According to urban legends, long, long time ago, at the top of a very high mountain, there was a castle. One day, a beautiful princess was born, her eyes were so bright that they called her “Estrela” (Star).

Years later, the king needed help from the neighbouring kingdom, and one of the knights was Diego who fell in love with Estrela. They got married. But soon he had to leave to protect his kingdom from a new attack.

Every day the princess would go to the highest point of the mountain to see, desperately, if he was coming back, disappointed she would cry and say: “Mon Diego, Mon Diego”. Faraway people could hear Mondego, Mondego.

Her tears became a river and people named it Mondego…

Mondego River
Ponte da Atalhada Street

I think this sort of story and legend is what always makes a place so interesting and special, and around here you will always find someone willing to take you on a magical journey…

