Inherent Connection Between the Universal and the Personal: Spacetime for Personal Expansion.

Inês Rebelo
7 min read1 day ago


The Universe and You (Spoiler: You’re Both Expanding!)

Let’s set the scene: Around 13.8 billion years ago, there was a great cosmic firework that scientists love to call “The Big Bang”. In that moment, the universe decided to create two of its most essential ingredients — space and time. These aren’t just abstract ideas. Space and time are the very fabric of the universe, and (here’s where it gets interesting) they’re also the fabric of you. The universe is ever-expanding, and ever-changing. This expansion is also happening inside you.

Science tells us the universe began with the Big Bang, but it doesn’t tell us that you are your own Big Bang. Your personal growth, your consciousness, your awareness — they’re all expanding, much like the galaxies that stretch across the cosmos. But here’s where we go deeper: Just as the universe needs space to expand and time to evolve, so do you.

Think of it this way: as above, so below. The principles that govern the cosmos and macro-structures of the universe also govern you. There’s an inherent connection between the universal and the personal — because you, after all, are part of the universe. So what does that mean for you? It means that if you want to grow, if you want to expand into the fullest version of yourself, you need to understand how to work with the two cosmic forces at play: Space and Time.

Thought 1: The Big Bang (of You)

When the universe had its Big Bang, it wasn’t a polite event. It was an explosion of unimaginable energy, a chaotic burst that tore through nothingness and created everything. Now, think about your own life and picture yourself as a mini-universe. At some point in your life, maybe at birth, or maybe during some great revelation, you experienced your own personal “Big Bang”. Can you recall a moment where everything changed in an instant? It might have been the birth of a new idea, a profound realisation, or even a crisis. That was your personal Big Bang.

But just like the cosmic Big Bang, this moment isn’t the end — it’s the beginning. Expansion doesn’t stop once the spark happens; it keeps going. You are constantly expanding — your thoughts, your consciousness, your sense of self. You too have the power to create space within yourself, and allow time to do its magic. Just like the universe didn’t stop expanding after the Big Bang, neither do you.

Your personal Big Bang wasn’t a one-time event. It’s a continuous process. Every new experience, every challenge, every success — it’s all part of the expansion. Think of yourself as a living universe, constantly evolving, constantly stretching the limits of what you thought was possible. Itzhak Bentov would say, “If you’re not growing, you’re stagnating”. Stagnations is a bit like trying to swim in a pond full of molasses — possible, but messy and slow. You need to manage your expansion, and for that, you need to understand your cosmic tools: space and time.

Thought 2: Space (Make Room for Your Cosmic Self)

Space is one of the universe’s greatest gifts. It’s where everything happens — it’s the stage upon which all existence plays out. Without space, there would be no stars, no planets, no galaxies. But more than that, space is potential. It’s the empty canvas waiting to be filled. Think of it this way: if the universe didn’t create more space, it would collapse in on itself. Can you imagine all those galaxies squished together? The universe, in its wisdom, knew that in order to create, it needed room to breathe.

Now, let’s shift the lens to you. In your own life, space represents mental, emotional, and spiritual openness. It’s the room you create within yourself to allow for new ideas, new feelings, and new possibilities. Without this space, growth becomes suppressed, cramped. Imagine trying to fit an entire galaxy into a shoebox — it’s not going to work.

Space, for you, might mean letting go of old patterns, beliefs, or fears that are cluttering in your mind that no longer serve you. It could mean creating an environment — both physically and mentally — that supports your growth. The more space you create within yourself, the more room you give for new things to emerge. You need to allow your mind to be a little more like the cosmos — vast, open, and full of wonder. But remember, the universe doesn’t rush to fill every empty space with clutter. Neither should you.

Space is freedom. It’s the freedom to explore different aspects of yourself without restriction. When you give yourself space, you give yourself permission to evolve. Like the universe, you don’t have to know exactly where you’re going. You just need to allow room for your journey to unfold.

Thought 3: Time (The Universe is Patient, and So Should You Be)

If space is the canvas, then time is the brushstroke that is slowly painting the masterpiece of the universe. The universe takes its time — billions of years to form galaxies, stars, planets, and life. There’s no rush in cosmic terms, because time is not a race; it’s a process.

In your life, time works in much the same way. The universe didn’t create galaxies overnight, and you won’t grow into your full potential in a single day. You might want to grow, to change, to reach your fullest potential right now, but that’s not how it works. Just as a seed takes time to grow into a tree, so too your experiences take time to mature raw moments into wisdom.

Time is not your enemy, and growth requires patience. It requires you to sit with experiences, to let them simmer and settle, and to allow yourself the time to process them fully. When you rush through life, chasing after the next thing, you miss the subtle but profound lessons that only time can reveal. Time gives you the opportunity to reflect, to learn, to integrate.

Time is your teacher. When you give yourself time to reflect on your experiences, you allow them to become meaningful. It’s like waiting for a good stew to cook — too soon, and it’s raw and unpalatable; give it time, and the flavours blend into something delicious.

But there’s a trick to working with time; you can’t force it. You must allow it to unfold naturally. Trust that, just like the universe, everything in your life is expanding at its own perfect pace. There’s no need to rush. Expansion, after all, is inevitable as long as you create space and give it time.

Thought 4: Spacetime (Yes, They’re Inseparable!)

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Space and time aren’t separate entities — they’re interwoven into what we call spacetime. Einstein showed us that you can’t have space without time, and you can’t have time without space. They work together, seamlessly, like two sides of the same coin.

In your own life, the same principles applies. Space without time leads to impatience — you might create space for growth, but without giving it the necessary time, you’ll feel frustrated when results don’t appear immediately. On the flip side, time without space is stagnation — if you give yourself time but don’t create space for new ideas or experiences, nothing changes.

Your growth, your expansion, relies on the delicate balance of space and time. You must honour both. Together, they create the conditions for evolution, whether that’s in the universe or in your personal life. When you embrace both, you tap into the same creative forces that drive the cosmos itself.

Just like the universe needs both space and time to expand, so do you. The trick is to find the balance — create enough space for new possibilities, and give yourself the time to let those possibilities grow. Spacetime is the ultimate dynamic duo, where space is the openness to new possibilities, while time is the process that allows those possibilities to unfold.

Rushing the process only leads to frustration. Imagine trying to make a star in five minutes — it’s just now how the universe works. Neither does your personal evolution.

Thought 5: The Ongoing Expansion (You’re Never Really Done)

The universe is still expanding, and here’s the mind-blowing part — it will keep expanding for billions of years. The same is true for you. There’s no final version of you, no point at which you’ll stop growing, learning, or evolving. Your potential is infinite.

This is where the idea of “being done” or “achieving perfection” falls apart. There is no “final destination” in your personal growth journey. Just like the universe, you are constantly moving forward, constantly expanding, constantly changing. Even when you feel like you’ve reached a stage where there is no further change or development, there’s always more room for growth.

Discomfort can be part of growth. The universe grows at its edges — where the known meets the unknown, where stars are born and die, where galaxies collide and create something new. In your life, growth happens in much the same way — at the edges of your comfort zone. It’s often in moments of discomfort, challenge, or uncertainty that you experience the most significant expansion.

A cosmic advice would be to embrace the unknown. Growth happens when you step beyond what’s familiar and venture into new territory. Just like the universe, your expansion is infinite — there’s always more to discover about yourself.


At the heart of this message is a simple but profound truth: you are not separate from the universe. You are part of it. The same forces that govern the macro-structures of the universe govern you as well.

To grow is to create space for new possibilities. To evolve is to allow time to shape you. And to truly expand, you must embrace both space and time as your allies. Expansion isn’t a rigid process — it’s fluid, dynamic, and full of joy. Embrace the process and remember that, after all, the universe is expanding right alongside you.



Inês Rebelo

Interested in Quantum Mechanics, Soft Sciences, and Paradoxes.