Business-to-Consumer Marketing Strategies for any business

4 min readMar 16, 2017


Regardless of the industry you’re in, marketing is key in making your business work and prosper. So ditch what you’re doing now, and consume this cramped marketing strategy course. Marketing strategies commonly recognized as successful regardless of industry are the following:

Word of Mouth Advertising

Word of mouth advertising is unpaid, organic and powerful because having nice things to say about your product or service generally have nothing to gain from means you’re the shit. A recommendation has built-in credibility, and can spur dozens of leads who anticipate positive experiences with your brand.

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing/online marketing, combines web and email advertising and performs e-commerce sales. Social media platforms may also be included to leverage brand presence and promote products and services.

Cause Marketing

Cause marketing is an effort between a for-profit business and a non-profit organization to jointly promote and benefit from social and other related causes. Cause marketing assure your customers you share their desire to make the world a better place.

Direct Selling

Direct selling accomplishes marketing and selling products directly to consumers. Sales agents build face-to-face relationships with individuals by professing and selling products away from retail settings, usually in an individual’s home.

Earned Media/PR

Earned media is created through all efforts that are not paid advertising. It can take a variety of forms — a social media testimonial, word of mouth, a television or radio mention, a newspaper article or editorial and earned media is unsolicited and can only be gained organically. It cannot be bought or owned like traditional advertising.

Co-branding and Affinity Marketing

Co-branding is a marketing type in which two brands or more join together to promote and sell a product or service. The brands give away their collective credibility to increase the perception of the product or service’s value, so consumers are willing to pay more at retail.

Point-of-Purchase Marketing (POP)

Point-of-Purchase marketing sells to a captive audience, shoppers already in-store and ready to purchase. Product displays, on-package coupons, shelf talkers that tout product benefits and other attention-getting “sizzle” often sway buying decisions at the shelf by making an offer simply too good — and too visible — to pass up.

Paid Media Advertising

Paid media is a tool that companies use to grow their website traffic through paid advertising. One of the most popular methods is pay-per-click (PPC) links. Essentially, a company buys or “sponsors” a link that appears as an ad in search engine results when keywords related to their product or service are searched (which is called SEM, search engine marketing). Every time the ad is clicked, the company pays the search engine (or other third party host site) a small fee for the visitor — a literal “pay per click.”

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing focuses on providing users with content they find valuable and want to share across their social networks, resulting in increased visibility and traffic. Social media shares of content, videos, and images also influence Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts in that they often increase relevancy in search results within social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and search engines like Google and Yahoo.


Brand storytelling uses storytelling as a communication format to engage consumers on an emotional level. Rather than just laying out facts and figures, storytelling allows you to create a memorable narrative of who you are, who your company is, what you do, how you solve problems, want you value is and how you engage and contribute with your community and the public in general.

Read more on iNexxus Blog.

