Grow Fresh Greens with Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Steve Oliviera
12 min readFeb 23, 2024


Welcome to our gardening guide, where we’ll explore the wonderful world of romaine lettuce seeds. If you’re a home gardener looking to add fresh greens to your plate, romaine lettuce is an excellent choice. With its wide variety of sizes, colors, textures, and tastes, romaine lettuce offers versatility and freshness that store-bought lettuces simply can’t match.

Here are the best seeds that you can find

Romaine lettuce, one of the oldest known vegetables, has a rich history dating back to ancient civilizations. Today, it remains a popular choice among gardeners for its easy cultivation and low maintenance requirements. By growing your own romaine lettuce, you not only enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting your own produce but also gain access to a wider selection of lettuce varieties to elevate your salads and culinary creations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Romaine lettuce seeds offer a wide range of variety, sizes, colors, textures, and tastes
  • It is a cool-season annual that is easy to grow and does not require a lot of space or special care
  • By growing your own romaine lettuce, you can enjoy fresher salads and have a wider selection of lettuce varieties
  • Romaine lettuce is a fast-growing, cool-season annual that thrives in temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Romaine lettuce is more resistant to slug and snail damage compared to other lettuce types and exhibits greater heat tolerance

The Different Types of Lettuce

Lettuce comes in various types, each with its own unique characteristics and culinary uses. By understanding the different types of lettuce, you can choose the varieties that best suit your preferences and gardening goals.

“Lettuce is the most popular green leafy vegetable, enjoyed in salads, sandwiches, and wraps around the world.”

Here are the best seeds that you can find

Romaine or Cos Lettuce

Romaine lettuce, also known as cos lettuce, forms a long, loose head with upright leaves. It has a crisp texture and a slightly bitter flavor, making it ideal for Caesar salads, wraps, and sandwiches. Romaine lettuce is also a popular choice for grilling, as the leaves hold their shape well.

Crisphead Lettuce

Crisphead lettuce, commonly known as iceberg lettuce, forms tight heads with very crisp leaves. It has a mild flavor and a refreshing crunch. Crisphead lettuce is often used as a base in salads and is a classic choice for burgers and sandwiches.

Butterhead or Bibb Lettuce

Butterhead or bibb lettuce produces loosely folded heads with delicate leaves. It has a soft texture and a sweet, buttery flavor. Butterhead lettuce is perfect for salads and pairs well with light dressings. The tender leaves can also be used as lettuce wraps.

Leaf Types

Leaf types of lettuce do not form a head but stay as open rosettes. They have a variety of textures and flavors, ranging from delicate and mild to peppery and robust. Leaf lettuce is great for adding freshness and color to salads and can be easily torn or cut for various recipes.

Lettuce Type Description

Romaine or Cos

Forms long, loose heads with crisp leaves
Popular in Caesar salads, wraps, and grilling

Crisphead (Iceberg)

Forms tight heads with very crisp leaves
Used as a base in salads, burgers, and sandwiches

Here are the best seeds that you can find

Butterhead or Bibb

Produces loosely folded heads with delicate leaves
Has a sweet, buttery flavor, great for salads and lettuce wraps

Leaf Types

Does not form a head, stays as open rosettes
Comes in a variety of textures and flavors, perfect for salads and recipes

Each type of lettuce offers its own taste, texture, and versatility in the kitchen. Experiment with different lettuce varieties to add variety and freshness to your meals.

Growing Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is a fast-growing, cool-season annual that thrives in temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Its crisp and flavorful leaves make it a popular choice for salads and sandwiches. If you’re considering growing romaine lettuce in your garden, here are some essential tips to help you get started.

Soil Requirements

Romaine lettuce prefers well-drained soil with good moisture retention. Before planting, amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve its nutrient content and drainage capabilities.

Planting Instructions

When planting romaine lettuce, sow the seeds about ¼ inch deep in the prepared soil. Space the rows approximately 12 inches apart to allow sufficient room for growth and airflow. Consider using a garden rake to create furrows for sowing the seeds evenly.

Spacing and Thinning

Once the seeds have germinated and the seedlings are large enough to handle, you’ll need to thin them to ensure proper spacing. It’s recommended to leave 6 to 12 inches of space between individual romaine lettuce plants. Thinning helps prevent overcrowding, promotes air circulation, and encourages healthier plant development.

Maturity Time

Romaine lettuce matures in approximately 75 to 85 days, depending on the specific variety you’re growing. Maturity time can also be influenced by environmental conditions and the quality of care provided. Regularly monitor the growth progress of your romaine lettuce plants to determine the optimal harvest time.

Ensure that your romaine lettuce receives adequate water throughout its growing period, especially during dry spells. Regularly monitor soil moisture levels and water accordingly to keep the plants healthy and productive. Additionally, consider implementing a regular fertilization schedule using a balanced organic fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for optimal growth.

Growing romaine lettuce is a rewarding experience that allows you to enjoy homegrown, fresh greens. Follow these guidelines to ensure a successful crop, and soon you’ll be harvesting crisp, flavorful romaine lettuce from your own garden.

Benefits of Growing Romaine Lettuce

There are several compelling reasons to consider growing romaine lettuce in your garden. Not only does it offer exceptional taste and versatility in the kitchen, but it also provides a range of benefits that can enhance your gardening experience.

Resistance to Pests

Romaine lettuce has a natural defense mechanism against common garden pests, such as slugs and snails. Compared to other lettuce types, romaine lettuce exhibits greater resistance to slug and snail damage, making it a reliable choice for gardeners looking to protect their crops from these pesky intruders.

Cleaner Leaves

The upright growth habit of romaine lettuce offers the advantage of cleaner leaves. Positioned further from the soil, the leaves are less prone to coming into contact with dirt, debris, or potential contaminants. This results in fresher and cleaner greens for your salads and dishes, free from unwanted particles.

Heat and Cold Tolerance

Romaine lettuce demonstrates impressive heat tolerance, allowing it to withstand high temperatures and prolonged exposure to the sun without bolting or turning bitter as quickly as other lettuce varieties. This means you can enjoy your homegrown romaine lettuce for longer throughout the warm summer months.

Additionally, some romaine lettuce varieties display remarkable cold tolerance, enabling them to continue growing and producing even when temperatures drop. This grants you the opportunity to extend your harvest season into the fall and winter, providing a consistent supply of fresh greens.

Benefit from the resistance to pests, cleaner leaves, and heat and cold tolerance that romaine lettuce offers by growing it in your own garden. Experience the satisfaction of harvesting high-quality, homegrown greens that are not only delicious but also environmentally friendly.

Romaine Lettuce Varieties

While grocery stores usually offer limited varieties of romaine lettuce, home gardeners have access to a wide range of options. Romaine lettuce varieties include green-leaved, red-leaved, and bi-colored and speckled types. Some popular varieties include ‘Pomegranate Crunch,’ ‘Intred,’ ‘Outredgeous,’ ‘Rouge d’hiver,’ ‘Truchas,’ ‘Flashy Trout’s Back,’ ‘Rainier,’ ‘Paris Island,’ ‘Little Gem,’ ‘Winter Density,’ and ‘Valmaine.’

These varieties offer different flavors, textures, and colors, allowing you to grow unique and visually appealing romaine lettuce in your garden.

‘Pomegranate Crunch’

Dark green leaves with a crisp texture and a hint of pomegranate flavor.


Medium-sized lettuce with green leaves that have red edges. Tender and slightly sweet.


Unique lettuce with dark red leaves and a crisp, juicy texture. Adds a pop of color to salads.

‘Rouge d’hiver’

French heirloom variety with dark green leaves and a rich, nutty flavor. Stands up well to cold weather.


Compact variety with bright green leaves. Mild and buttery taste.

‘Flashy Trout’s Back’

Bi-colored lettuce with green leaves splashed with red and dark speckles. Delicate and slightly sweet.


Heirloom romaine lettuce with light green leaves and a sweet, crisp flavor. Perfect for sandwiches and wraps.

‘Paris Island’

Classic romaine lettuce with a compact head and dark green leaves. Crisp and refreshing.

‘Little Gem’

Miniature romaine lettuce with tender, creamy leaves. Ideal for small gardens or container planting.

‘Winter Density’

Tolerates cold weather and produces dense heads of crisp, green leaves. Retains its sweetness even in cooler temperatures.


Adaptable lettuce variety with green leaves and a sweet, nutty flavor. Slow-bolting for extended harvests.

These are just a few examples of the diverse romaine lettuce varieties you can grow in your garden. Experiment with different flavors, textures, and colors to create unique and enticing salads, sandwiches, and wraps.

Our Favorite Romaine Lettuce Variety: ‘Pomegranate Crunch’

‘Pomegranate Crunch’ is one of our favorite romaine lettuce varieties. Its dark green leaves provide a crisp texture, while the hint of pomegranate flavor adds a unique twist to your salads. This variety is versatile and pairs well with a wide range of ingredients, enhancing the overall taste and presentation of your dish.

“‘Pomegranate Crunch’ adds a delightful crunch and subtle fruity flavor to my salads. It’s definitely a standout in my garden!” — Mary, home gardener

Planting Methods for Romaine Lettuce

When it comes to planting romaine lettuce, there are three main methods to choose from: planting from transplants, starting seeds indoors, and planting seeds outdoors. Each method has its own advantages and considerations, allowing you to select the approach that best suits your preferences and gardening experience.

Planting from Transplants:

If you’re a beginner or prefer not to grow from seed, planting from transplants is a convenient option. Transplants are young romaine lettuce plants that have already been started from seeds and are ready for planting in your garden. You can purchase transplants from local nurseries or garden centers.

Starting Seeds Indoors:

Starting romaine lettuce seeds indoors gives you greater variety selection and allows you to have more control over the growing conditions. You can start seeds in trays or pots indoors, providing them with the optimal temperature, light, and moisture needed for germination and early growth. Once the seedlings have reached a suitable size, you can transplant them into your garden or larger containers.

Planting Seeds Outdoors:

Planting romaine lettuce seeds directly outdoors is the simplest method and ideal for those who prefer a more hands-on approach. Romaine lettuce seeds are hardy and easy to grow, making them well-suited for direct sowing in the garden. Prepare the soil, sow the seeds at the recommended depth, and provide adequate water and sunlight for germination and growth.

To help you visualize the different planting methods for romaine lettuce, here’s a comparison table:

Planting Method Advantages Considerations

Planting from Transplants

- Convenient for beginners or those who prefer not to grow from seed
- Saves time as plants are already started

- Limited variety selection compared to starting seeds indoors
- Cost of purchasing transplants

Starting Seeds Indoors

- Greater variety selection
- More control over growing conditions

- Requires time and care for seed starting
- Additional equipment and space needed for indoor setup

Planting Seeds Outdoors

- Simple and hands-on approach
- Cost-effective

- Less variety selection compared to starting seeds indoors
- Dependent on weather conditions

By understanding the different planting methods for romaine lettuce, you can choose the one that fits your gardening goals and resources. Whether you opt for transplants, starting seeds indoors, or planting seeds outdoors, the ultimate reward will be bountiful harvests of delicious, home-grown romaine lettuce.

Tips for Growing Romaine Lettuce

To ensure a successful crop of romaine lettuce, it’s important to follow a few tips. Here are some expert recommendations on how to grow romaine lettuce:

Soil Amendment

Prior to planting, amend the soil with compost to provide the romaine lettuce plants with rich nutrients. Compost helps improve soil structure, moisture retention, and overall fertility. Incorporate a generous amount of compost into the top several inches of soil before sowing the seeds or transplanting seedlings.

Organic Fertilization

Keep your romaine lettuce plants healthy and thriving by regularly applying organic liquid fertilizers. We recommend using organic fertilizers every two to three weeks to ensure a continuous supply of nutrients. Choose fertilizers that are specifically formulated for leafy greens and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates.

Pest Control

Protect your crop from common pests, such as slugs, by using organic slug baits. Slugs can quickly decimate your romaine lettuce leaves, so it’s important to take preventive measures. Apply the slug bait around the base of the plants or create a barrier around the garden bed to keep these pests at bay.


Harvest your romaine lettuce when it reaches the desired stage of maturity. You can either harvest it as baby greens by picking individual leaves or wait for the heads to fully form and cut them off at the base. For the best flavor and texture, harvest before the hot summer weather arrives, as romaine lettuce tends to turn bitter when exposed to high temperatures.

By following these tips for growing romaine lettuce, you’ll be able to enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh and crisp greens right from your own garden.

Organic Fertilizer Name Nutrient Composition Application Rate

Organic Liquid Fish Fertilizer

Nitrogen: 5%, Phosphorus: 2%, Potassium: 2%

1 tablespoon per gallon of water

Composted Manure

Nitrogen: 0.5%, Phosphorus: 0.5%, Potassium: 0.5%

Follow package instructions

Organic Granular Fertilizer

Varies depending on the brand

Follow package instructions

Growing Romaine Lettuce in Different Seasons

The versatility of romaine lettuce allows for its cultivation in different seasons, depending on your local climate. By adjusting your planting and harvesting schedule, you can enjoy a continuous supply of fresh and crisp romaine lettuce throughout the year.

Spring Harvest

In the spring, there are several ways to grow and harvest romaine lettuce. You can start seeds indoors and transplant them outdoors once the weather and soil conditions are favorable. This method allows for earlier harvests and gives you more control over the growing environment. Alternatively, you can directly sow romaine lettuce seeds in the garden once the soil has warmed up. Pay attention to temperature preferences, as romaine lettuce prefers cooler temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fall Harvest

For an autumn harvest, you can plant a second crop of romaine lettuce in late summer. Sow seeds directly in the garden when the days start to shorten and temperatures begin to cool down. To protect the plants from the cooler fall temperatures, consider using row covers or other protective measures. The fall harvest of romaine lettuce is especially rewarding, as the cooler weather enhances the flavor and texture of the leaves.

Growing romaine lettuce in different seasons allows you to enjoy a variety of fresh salads and incorporate this nutritious green into your favorite recipes throughout the year. The table below provides a summary of the optimal planting and harvesting times for romaine lettuce in various seasons.


Start seeds indoors or directly sow in the garden once soil is workable

Approximately 75 to 85 days after planting


Sow seeds in late summer

Approximately 75 to 85 days after planting

By carefully planning your planting and harvesting schedule, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of romaine lettuce in both the spring and fall seasons. Experiment with different varieties and growing methods to find what works best for your garden and climate. With proper care and attention, you can cultivate fresh, healthy romaine lettuce year-round.


Growing romaine lettuce from seeds is a gratifying endeavor for us home gardeners. The versatility of romaine lettuce varieties, combined with its easy cultivation and numerous benefits, makes it an excellent addition to any garden. Whether you choose to start seeds indoors or directly sow them outdoors, following proper planting and care techniques is crucial for a successful crop.

Experimenting with different romaine lettuce varieties allows us to enjoy the fresh, crisp taste of home-grown greens in our salads and recipes. By diving into the world of romaine lettuce gardening, we can experience the joy and satisfaction of growing our own nutritious and flavorful produce. With romaine lettuce, we have the power to elevate our meals with vibrant colors, textures, and tastes.

Here are the best seeds that you can find

As we embark on our romaine lettuce growing journey, let us embrace the challenge and reward of cultivating these vibrant greens. By dedicating our time and effort to the proper care of romaine lettuce plants, we can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh and healthy greens. So let’s grab our gardening tools, sow those romaine lettuce seeds, and reap the benefits of our own home-grown goodness. Happy gardening!

Originally published at on February 23, 2024.



Steve Oliviera

At, we’re passionate about helping you grow the garden of your dreams. Founded by Steve Oliviera a seasoned gardener with over 12 years