How Castor Oil in Belly Button

Tom Smith
5 min readMar 25, 2024


Social media has been abuzz with a new trend that has people applying castor oil directly into their belly buttons. While it may sound strange, this ancient practice from Ayurvedic medicine claims to offer a host of amazing benefits. But does it really work? Let’s explore the craze behind putting castor oil in your belly button.

The belly button, or navel, is believed in some traditions to be a concentrated energy center connected to various organs and systems in the body. By applying therapeutic oils or substances to this area, proponents claim it can positively impact digestion, menstrual health, hair growth, and more. Castor oil, with its high concentration of ricinoleic acid, has taken center stage in this viral fad.

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How Castor Oil in Belly Button

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What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). It has a long history of use in folk medicine traditions like Ayurveda due to its potential therapeutic properties. The oil is distinctively thick and odorous due to its high ricinoleic acid content — a fatty acid believed to be behind many of castor oil’s purported benefits.

Why Put Castor Oil in Your Belly Button?

The theory behind applying castor oil to the navel stems from the Ayurvedic concept of navel therapy or navel oiling. It is believed that massaging oils into this area can:

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  • Promote better digestion and relieve constipation
  • Ease menstrual cramps and discomfort
  • Stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalp
  • Provide anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Support overall well-being and energy flow

Proponents claim the belly button acts as a portal to address internal imbalances and blockages within the body’s energy channels.

How to Apply Castor Oil to Your Belly Button

If you want to try this buzzy trend, here are the basic steps:

  1. Use a high-quality, cold-pressed organic castor oil
  2. Ensure your navel area is clean and dry
  3. Apply just a few drops of castor oil directly into your belly button
  4. Gently massage the oil into and around your navel in a circular motion
  5. Leave it on overnight or for several hours before removing
  6. Repeat daily or as desired

Many recommend doing a patch test first to check for any skin sensitivities. You can also dilute the castor oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil.

Can It Really Aid Digestion and Constipation?

One of the primary claims around belly button oiling with castor oil is that it can improve digestion and provide constipation relief. The laxative effects of castor oil combined with the massaging motions may help stimulate intestinal contractions.

However, there is limited scientific evidence specifically examining the efficacy of this practice. More research is still needed, as most studies explore oral consumption rather than topical application of castor oil.

Does It Help Menstrual Cramps?

Many women rave that putting castor oil in the belly button helps alleviate menstrual cramps and discomfort. The theory is that the oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, paired with the massaging, can relax tensed abdominal muscles and improve circulation.

While this use is rooted in traditional practices, there is currently a lack of robust scientific data to confirm these effects from navel application alone. More research specifically investigating this method is warranted.

Castor Oil for Thicker, Fuller Hair?

One of the most popular uses of castor oil is for promoting hair growth and strengthening hair follicles. Many anecdotal reports and before-and-after photos appear to support these claims.

When applied to the scalp, castor oil’s ricinoleic acid may improve blood circulation, provide antioxidant benefits, and better nourish hair follicles. However, most evidence points to direct application rather than putting it in the belly button.

Potential Risks and Precautions

While castor oil is generally regarded as safe when used topically, there are some precautions to consider:

  • Ingesting castor oil can lead to severe cramping, diarrhea and dehydration
  • Getting castor oil directly in the eyes may cause irritation and vision issues
  • Some individuals may experience skin rashes or allergic reactions
  • It should be avoided during pregnancy unless approved by a doctor

As with any new treatment, it’s advisable to do a patch test first and consult your healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

Limited Scientific Evidence, Plenty of Anecdotal Reports

The truth is, there is currently very limited scientific data specifically examining the effects of putting castor oil in the belly button. Much of the hype and proposed benefits stem from anecdotal reports and the ancient principles of Ayurvedic medicine.

While the lack of evidence doesn’t necessarily disprove these claims, it does mean more clinical research is needed to validate and understand this practice. Many proponents feel the anecdotal experiences speak for themselves.

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The Viral Influence of TikTok

Like many trends, the recent craze around castor oil and belly buttons was amplified by viral TikTok videos. Creators enthusiastically touted its benefits, shared before-and-after results, and encouraged viewers to try it for themselves.

The platform’s inherent ability to make niche topics spread rapidly played a big role in thrusting this ancient Ayurvedic remedy into the mainstream spotlight. However, social media hype doesn’t necessarily equate to scientific validity.

Key Takeaways

While putting castor oil in your belly button may seem bizarre, this age-old practice from Ayurveda claims to harness the therapeutic properties of castor oil in unique ways, such as:

  • Improving digestion and constipation
  • Easing menstrual cramps and discomfort
  • Promoting hair growth and thickness
  • Providing anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Supporting overall health and energy flow

However, there is currently limited scientific research specifically examining the efficacy of this navel oiling method. More robust studies are still needed.

For now, it remains an intriguing anecdotal trend amplified by social media platforms like TikTok. As with any treatment, caution should be taken and guidance from health professionals is recommended, especially for those with prior medical conditions.

Whether you view it as an ancient healing secret or simply a viral fad, the buzz around putting castor oil in your belly button is undeniable. But only further research will ultimately determine if its purported benefits are legitimate or just a ploy to garner views and likes.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and this information shouldn’t replace professional medical advice.



Tom Smith

i Nature enthusiast, health advocate, married 8 years, father of 2 :) Passionate about natural living for family well-being.