CRYPTO XBANDA CLUB is a new strategic partner of INFAM!

Infam Platform
2 min readFeb 25, 2022

CRYPTO XBANDA CLUB is a community of cryptocurrency experts who teach how to make money on the most trending crypto topics.

Club members daily receive the top and most profitable signals for various fundamental coins, IDO, Launchpad, current news and the latest information on the crypto market.

  • The Club’s main emphasis is on the sectors of DeFi and NFT insiders. Thanks to their vast experience, the Club’s experts have the best information from the crypto space. It allows us to get big Xs that we love so much.
  • The Club offers education on cryptocurrencies, trading and investments from A to Z, from beginner to the most advanced. The crypto curators of the Club will accompany the whole process of learning and trading.

The Club has 3 membership options:
- Standard, including options for signals, access to chat with experts and 15 training zooms with experts per month;
- Platinum, which includes additional analysis of the participant’s portfolio with community experts;
- VIP, which includes additional personal consultations of the founders of the community Amal Altynbaev and Ilya Zubarev for 3 months.

Also, in #CXB, club experts regularly share their many years of experience in crypto, which cost them several million bucks in total losses, give feedback to the community, and publish all upcoming transactions with reporting they plan to participate.

For more information about Xbanda and the Club’s activities, subscribe to the open Telegram channel

A community expert Amal Altynbaev shares his experience in the field of crypto and online earning and also publishes Top information about NFT and IDO projects for free:

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