Komondor’ dog breed is among the most recognized breeds

Infigent Solution Pvt Ltd
19 min readAug 17, 2021


The ‘Komondor’ dog breed is among the most recognized breeds in the world. The profuse white cords on the entire body give it a distinctive appearance. These dogs are also known as Hungarian mop dogs because of their look. The dogs are large in size. Apart from the size, the white coat of these dogs makes them a spectacular and electrifying dog breed.

Komondor Dogs have the heaviest of all coats when it comes to the dog world. The dense and thick double coats act as shields and protect these canines’ bodies. A mature dogs’ coat length can reach almost down the ground. The outer coat is long and coarse, which could be wavy or curly. But the undercoat is way softer than the upper coat. A puppy’s coat is smooth and fluffy. The adult coat grows when they reach between 6 and 9 months. The dogs’ coat definitely gets the most attention. But dog lovers get mesmerized by their mischievous sparkle in the eyes and the merry face of these canines.


The name “Komondor” is derived from Koman-dor, which means ‘Cuman Dog.’ Komondor dogs are multi-purpose dogs that are known to originate in Hungary. They were bred as flock guards in the country. The breed of dogs descended from Tibetan dogs and came with the Cumans from Asia. It is believed that the dog breed is linked to the Puli, the South Russian Ovcharka. And, by extension, the dog breed is related to the Mudi, the Pumi, the Bearded Collie, the Old English Sheepdog, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, and the Schapendoes.

In the year 1937, the American Kennel Club recognized Komondors. But after World War II took place, Hungary was not allowed to import these dogs. This had an adverse impact on the breed due to which its quality declined. In 1962, breeders from the United States of America and Hungary reconnected, and the canines were brought back from the brink of extinction. The breed is considered to be a national treasure of Hungary.

Body Appearance, Size, and Features

The Komondor dogs are known to be large ‘molosser’ dogs. In fact, they are one of the largest dog breeds in the entire world. Many dogs are more than 30 inches in height. The thick, matted corded white coat gives the breed an exclusive appearance. These canines have strong and agile bodies which are strongly muscled with long legs and tiny backs. The tail of these dogs is carried with a faint curl. The length of the body is a little bit longer than the height at the withers. These dogs have a broad head, and their muzzle is slightly shorter as compared to half of their head’s length. The lips ad nose of the dog breed is always black in color.

The average height and weight of a male and female Komondor dogs slightly vary. The average height of female dogs is 70 cm, whereas the average height of male Komondor dogs is 80 cm. The females generally weigh around 40 to 50 kg on an average. The average weight of male dogs is approximately 50 to 60 kg.

The white coat of these dogs is around 20 to 27 cm long. Thus these dogs have the heaviest volume of fur among all the canines. These coats help against weather and wild animals. The coat of these dogs tends to curl once they mature. Contrary to what people might believe, these dogs have minimum shedding. The dogs are born with only a white coat. But the coat of working Komondor dogs might seem off-white due to if they are not washed frequently.


The Komondor dogs are athletic dogs that belong to the working group. Thus they are really quick to learn, intelligent and watchful. Due to the natural guardian instinct of the breed, they are kept for protection purposes. Additionally, these dogs have the ability to guard livestock. The large size and physical features of the dog make it an ideal and powerful guardian at home.

The dogs are fast, and they can easily leap at a predator, knocking it off or driving it away. People keep these dogs in farms to guard sheep and goats against bears or wolves. The thick coat of the dog ensures that it has a robust shield that helps it protect itself. In the United States of America, the popularity of the livestock guarding canine has seen a substantial rise. This is because they are able to protect livestock against various kinds of predators fearlessly. The intelligence, along with instinct for protection, makes them a loyal companion of families.

Life Span

The life expectancy of Komondor dogs is 10 to 12 years. The care and lifestyle of these dogs, including physical activities, can impact their life span to a certain extent.

Grooming and the average cost per month

The overall grooming requirements of Komondor dogs are really high. Even though their coat does not need regular brushing, maintenance and grooming are necessary. Grooming is important as it can have a direct implication on the breed’s health and wellness. High shedding of the breed takes place only when they are puppies, and their deadlocks have not fully formed. Once these dogs mature, shedding is minimum in them.

When the coats of these dogs start developing around 8 to 12 months, their soft undercoat gets trapped by the outer coat. So it is really important to keep their fur clean and dry. This is vital as it can ensure that the fur does not get discolored or dirty.

The cords must be separated on a frequent basis as it will prevent matting. In addition to this, such a step will help to remove dirt or debris. Trimming the hair around the mouth region is advisable as it helps to avoid staining from food. Bathing and drying these huge canine dogs can be an all-day task. For drying purposes, floor fans can act as excellent post-bath drying tools. In order to simplify maintenance, the coat of these dogs can be kept short. But it can reduce the unique appearance of the breed. Other grooming needs include nail care and dental hygiene. The average cost per month for grooming, toys, basic training comes around USD 55.

Unique Features

The distinctive feature of the Komondor dogs surely lies in the white coat. In fact, the coat and large size complement each other and magnify its beauty and charm. The fluffy fur coat makes them really cuddly. But they are a very dedicated and protective breed of dogs when it comes to safeguarding their people.

Different Komondor dogs have varying types of coats. Some coats can easily cord in a natural manner. On the other hand, there are some coats where the hair can easily tangle together. These distinct types are generally referred to as plating and cording. ‘Plating’ means that the fur is thick. This is due to the presence of a thicker set of hair. Cording is the less thick kind of hair that is easier to maintain. In spite of the difference, the coat gives these dogs a unique look, which is unlike any other dog breeds. The coat of adult dogs is much more “self-maintaining” in nature as compared to puppies. Since these dogs do not have varying color but only white, it adds to their beauty and appeal.

More Characteristic Features

Komondors are popular and are one of the most attractive dogs in the canine world. The harmonic proportion of the body with its head gives it a large yet cuddlesome appearance. The dark brown eyes of these dogs are almond-shaped, and they are generally hidden due to the long flowing hair. Their ears hand down and blend with the white fur. These dogs have huge teeth which act as a weapon during guarding. The top section of the muzzle is straight and not pointed. The jaws are muscular, but its cheeks are wide and have a moderate length. The lips, nose, and eyelids of the Komondor breed are black in color.

The neck region of the dog breed is muscular, without any lappet. The tight and muscular back region helps it to charge at any threat with vigour. The forelimbs are covered with long and shaggy hair, which adds to its beauty. They have big closed paws. The large-sized dog might appear square or somewhat rectangular. This is because its head rises above the back region, and it is richly endowing with the white coat.


As Komondors are guard dogs, their temperament and personality are like any other livestock guarding dogs. Their humongous size might scare many people, but they are calm and gentle towards their families. But the same cannot be said when it comes to strangers. When things are going normal, these dogs are calm. In fact, they act as steady watchful dogs that are responsible and extremely loyal. Due to their basic instinct, they require to take responsibility for something or watch over something.

When these dogs are kept as pets, they are generally quiet around the home. But if they perceive any kind of threat, they can show their fierce side. These dogs are really fast, agile, and light on their feet. These attributes make them great guard dogs. If they are challenged, they can attack an intruder or stranger. The vigilant and trustworthy nature of the dig breed makes them great pets. The temperament of these dogs is the prime consideration before selecting them as household pets. The fearless dogs need the right kind of ambiance and environment so that they can be perfect family dogs. They can be really affectionate and gentle with family but aggressive towards strangers. Their loyalty knows no bounds as they can sacrifice their lives to protect their ‘family’ or ‘flock.’

Health Issues and It’s Care

Komondor dogs are generally a healthy breed of dogs. They do not suffer from many heredity health problems. Probably, because the dog breed has descended from many centuries, they have few genetically-associated issues. But needless to say, just like other animals, they also face certain health issues that need to be taken care of. But some of the health conditions that can adversely affect their well-being include eye problems, hip dysplasia, and gastric torsion.

The eye disorder that generally affects the dog breed is entropion. In this medical condition, generally, the lower or upper eyelid curls inwards. Such a lid deformity causes eyelashes to rub against the cornea and thus to cause infections and lacerations. Such a health problem can undergo treatment with the help of surgery. But after the surgery takes place, the breeding of the dog must not be done with other dogs. This is because eye issue is genetic.

Bloat is another medical condition that can affect the health of Komondor dogs. It is also known as ‘gastric dilation–torsion syndrome.’ The life-threatening health condition is genetic in nature. Dogs feel extremely distressed when they suffer from health issues. It is necessary to take appropriate measures on time; otherwise, it could lead to circulatory and neurological complications. The high complications relating to the health condition could also result in the death of the dogs. Surgical measures are possible.

The heavy coat of the dogs can give rise to issues relating to external parasites. It is necessary to do skin checks on a regular basis. In case, fleas and ticks are found in the coat; aggressive measures need to be taken to control them. Shampoos, as well as powders, are known to work well. But owners need to ensure that they reach all the parts of the dog’s skin where fleas or ticks are affecting the dog. For the overall comfort and health of the dog, proper care must be taken. In case of any health issue identification, urgently vet must be approached.

Nutrition’s required

Even though Komondor dogs are large in size, the food that they intake is not a lot. These dogs need to eat high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age. The owners need to be careful about what kind of food and nutrients is given to the pets. This is because it can have a direct impact on the health condition. For instance, a high level of protein in food can lead to hotspots, scratching, or other kinds of skin reactions. The nutrient intake of the dogs also depends on their level of activity.

In order to ensure that the dog receives proper nutrients, you can mix canned food, water, or broth. The dog could like cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, and cooked eggs. But ensure that these food items must not be over 10 % of their daily nutrition. The use of human food should be within limits. Meat must be a part of the diet as it can provide proper nutrients for the dog. While buying canned food for your dog, ensure that the first food ingredient is an “animal-based” protein source. It could be chicken, salmon, turkey, beef, and duck. While feeding the dogs, it is necessary to know the difference between adult dog food and puppy dog food. In addition to this, it is necessary to make sure whether Komondor dogs are allergic to any specific food or not.

Best Health Supplements

Komondors must get proper health supplements and vitamins to fulfill their health requirements. In order to ensure that the giant dog is healthy and active, high-quality supplements must be given. Probiotics can be given to these dogs in case they are suffering from upset stomachs. These supplements work really well as they help in restoring the balance of the intestinal bugs. They are able to introduce healthy bacteria into the canine’s digestive system. Similarly, Omega 3 Fatty Acids must be given to these large dogs for red and itchy skin. Fatty Acids work really well for reducing inflammation in dogs. These supplements act as the ticket to the ‘itch free’ bliss for dogs.

In case these large dogs have watery eyes, then the Goldenseal herb can do the trick. It is popular for the powerful antibiotic properties that prevent toxic bacteria from hanging onto the cell walls. These health supplements can improve the health condition of Komondor dogs.

There are other health supplements that are easily available at home. If the dog is a senior Komondor dog, then raw as well as light steam vegetables can be given. These foods have great nutritional value, and they are especially healthy for them if they are in their golden years.


Komondor dogs need little to moderate exercise on a daily basis. Daily activity is essential as they are athletic dogs. Due to the relaxed nature of the dog breed, they do not need excessive physical activity. These dogs generally need around two to three short walks in the garden. The yards where they move must have secure fences so that they can define their own territory.

Moderate exercise will help them to keep them healthy and fit. Dog owners need to ensure that exercise sessions must be kept interesting and fun. It will ensure that they are mentally as well as physically stimulated. Some of the great ways of giving the perfect mental and physical workout include playing games and going on walks. Similarly, involving them in particular canine sports can be great for their physical and mental well-being. Movement is necessary for these dogs so that they can remain healthy.


Komondor dogs require training from an early stage. Thus the training should start between 4 and 8 months so that they can develop the right kind of behavior. These independent dogs need experienced and firm training. Dog owners need to take care of these aspects, and it can help in early socialization. Additionally, since these dogs are large and powerful, training is necessary; otherwise, they could be a danger to others.

Enrolling the dogs in puppy training classes as well as obedient training is of critical importance. Training will help the dog to identify the person who is in charge. As these dogs usually prefer to think independently, a lack of training makes them overly protective of their people.

The training sessions that are designed must be energetic, happy, and upbeat. It will keep the dog active and interested. In case these dogs get bored, they get really stubborn. The trainers need to praise these dogs when they show positive behavior. Similarly, the use of consistent and kind correction techniques is necessary while training the Komondor dogs.

Total Cost To raise: (add the price for grooming, health care, foods, supplements, etc.)

Omitting the buying cost of the Komondor Dogs, the pricing for the care and nourishment of this breed can also be slightly expensive. These dogs require the utmost care for which you need to be ready with some of the pricy equipment and other essentials. Starting from the first costing factor that originates after you bring home a Komondor Dog is the shelter expenses. More or less, you need to spend around $400 for his/her shelter needs. It depends upon the size of the dog as a puppy shelter won’t be appropriate for your dog to live in the same shelter after being a grown-up. Komondor dogs grow fast, and it is better to make a one-time investment by buying a good and big shelter for eradicating the need for changing it over time. It will save some of your expenses in the long run.

The next expense that might come up after you take up the responsibilities of a komondor dog is the grooming essentials. Some of such essentials are a leash, collar, crates, bowls, and many others. These items also have a variable price depending upon the age and growth of your komondor dogs. You will have to spend around $190 initially when your dog is just a puppy. The cost will eventually increase as your komondor dog grows.

The Vet expenses are also a countable cost that makes its way to the total rising cost. For some of the usual tests such as deworming, shots, blood tests, spaying, chipping, and others are done at a total cost of around $290 in a single vet visit. You might need to take your dog to vet every few months for a routine checkup. These dogs are significant and are very much prone to attract health disorders. Therefore, one cannot omit regular checkups, and that might be a little expensive, but that was destined since the time you made your plans for purchasing Komondor dogs. If your Komondor dog is experiencing any adverse health disease, then the treatment costs will also add up to the fees of the vet. Price determination is not possible for the treatment of diseases as it depends upon the severity of the health disorder.

Moving on to the next cost of raising, i.e., the yearly feeding costs. If your dog likes to eat basic quality food, then you will have to spend around $270 a year to give them good health and hygiene in terms of foods. If you are fond of giving your dog treats and delicious delicacies, then this yearly cost will again go up to $500 a year. For planning on cutting the price for the maintenance and care needs of your komondor dogs, then this is the area where you can do it. Give basic foods but do not compromise on quality that will deteriorate his/her health. There are many basic dry dog foods of good quality available for providing good health to the Komondor and other breed dogs that are available at a reasonable price.

The necessary yearly health expense for the Komondor dogs will cost you around $500 a year that will include routine checkups, flea preventions, and vaccinations. You can also add the pet insurance premium cost to health expenses. Some of the other miscellaneous costs for the Komondor dogs include the value of the license, toys, grooming, training, and others can total up to $700 in a year. Basic training and grooming become necessary as without training; your komondor dog will not evolve properly. Without proper grooming at home, Komondor dogs will look dull and ugly over time and will also invite diseases that might add more health expenses. By totaling all of the above yearly costs, you get a rising cost of around $1470 every year. It is a basic prediction amount that can either increase or decrease as per the variable conditions of your dog.


· Asian Countries- The price of Komondor puppies in the Asian Countries is around $1000, which is the basic price of purebreds in these regions.

· European Countries- The cost of the Komondor puppies in the European regions ranges from $1990 to $2200.

· African Countries- The cost of purebred Komondor puppies in African Countries was 5,000 Rand as per the latest update price chart in 2019.

· United States- The cost of purebred Komondor dogs in the United States ranges from $400 to $1500 that is the common price for most of the Komondor breed dogs in different regions of the world.

· Australia- The cost of Komondor dogs in the region of Australia is around $1500, which is a bit pricey when you compare it with the price of other areas.

· Canada: The price of Komondor Dogs in the region of Canada ranges from $1000 to $2000 depending upon their breeding type.

Reasons to Get A Komondor

Komondor breed of dogs is a rare breed, and every people looking for Komondor dogs are searching for purebreds. Finding a purebred is very difficult, but you need to wait for it to enjoy the perks of buying a purebred Komondor dog. There are few reasons that will motivate you to buy Komondor dogs only of purebred without any mixing. The reasons are:

  1. Komondor is a guard dog and carries a personality trait of protecting the family and the home. If you are planning on buying a Komondor dog, then it is better if you first see someone who owns one and observes them at home. You might have definitely seen Komondor dogs at dog shows as they are the star of the show with their beautiful long fur coat. But they act totally different when they are at home. They are guard dogs by nature, and they are very protective of their families. So, buy it only if you are ready to grow old with a guard or protection dog.
  2. Komondor dogs are the best for your overall needs but conditioned; you do need to be able to take their care throughout their lifetime. You can decide on whether you want a show dog, pet, protecting dog, or a working dog. Komondor dogs are the right choice for all of the above roles and can give you the best results as per your needs. But one thing that you must look after is to love and care for him/her as they are very much prone to adverse disease.
  3. On buying a purebred Komondor from a reputed or known breeder, you will get guidance or mentoring services from the breeder at an easy point of contact. The breeder will just be a phone call away for any kind of help regarding the grooming or health care essentials. If you are willing to take proper care of the Komondor dogs, then a purebred Komondor dog breeder from whom you purchase the dog will help you out with the care essentials to reduce your hassle a bit. With it, you will be able to predict the needs of your dogs and its growing size to alter the requirements. The breeder will also help you follow specific lifestyle changes to train the Komondor puppy to manage his/her temperament.
  4. Purebred Komondor dogs that you buy from a known breeder will be healthy with all the vaccinations done timely. The purebred also pass the genetic tests that prove that the dog is going to be healthy and fit in his/her adult days. The genetics of the purebred Komondor dogs also allows them to socialize well with other peoples who are no threat. They can undergo training to get an idea about judging the people for who is a threat and who is a friend. Not only is that, but the purebred Komondor dogs well suitable for self-learning their natural habits. It means that the purebred dogs can get the necessary training by themselves as it is in their genes to self-learn and practice to make it better with time. It will reduce your efforts to invest time and money to give them basic evolving training.

Reasons NOT to Get a Komondor

Though there are many benefits of buying a purebred Komondor dog still there are some reasons that emphasize not buying Komondor dogs for making them their pet. The reasons are:

  1. If you cannot tolerate the adolescence of the Komondor dogs, then you must not buy them as a pet. It is so because they have a long adolescent stage that will last for up to 3 years. The owner needs to be extremely patient with the dog during this phase as the puppy is very much energetic and will find ways to show it to the owner. It is one of the reasons that promote not buying of Komondor dogs as your puppy will very often ignore your commands that he listens to usually. During this phase, your dog does what he/she feels like, and you need to be patient with him/her instead of scolding or shooing them out. So, if you cannot handle a long stage of adolescence, then you must not buy Komondor Dogs at all.
  2. Komondor Dogs are not fond of being friends with every stranger they see. They are protection dogs and are suspicious about every stranger who walks into your house, or you meet. There are some people that your dog will hate forever as they get the instincts from their minds. Komondor dogs mostly avoid care-free peoples. If you want a dog who should be friends with everyone, then Komondor is not the right type of dog for you. You cannot leave your Komondor dog with the person he/she does not like for a long time. If the leader of the dog is not around, then he/she takes up the duty and acts according to the mood. The dog might challenge the person by growling or even biting. So, if you want a friendly dog, then Komondor is not the right choice for you.
  3. You cannot expect complete obedience from your Komondor dogs as they are do not obey all the attacking commands of the owner. With a bribe for a treat, your komondor dogs might obey you at times, but the plan won’t work every time. You need to truly earn the respect of your Komondor dog to make him/her obey you at his/her own will.
  4. You cannot expect a clean house when you are buying Komondor dog as your pet. The hairs of this dog breed shreds too much to make it visible very prominently. A wet Komondor dog can shake off his/her body and make the whole area wet with water droplets. The Komondor dogs also scratch your woodworks with their toenails when they jump or scratch the doors.
  5. Most of the Komondor dogs available at the market are mix breeds, and you must not buy them as they have less life span and will fall sick very often due to poor genetics. Poor genetics will eventually put more financial strain on the users due to regular health checkups and training expenses. The mix-breeds do not possess the same energy as that of the purebreds. Though for some owners, this might be good news mix breeding will eventually reduce the life cycle of the dog, and he/she will be unhealthy most of the time.
  6. It is challenging to teach the Komondor dogs that you are the leader and the person in charge to at least fear you for some things. Do not force yourself on him/her as they will never give up and will exhaust you more and more, making you helpless. Do not instigate your dog to be angry as he/she will not accept you as the leader anymore, and you might regret very badly for opting to buy a Komondor puppy as your pet.
  7. If you do not get a frequent contact option with the breeder, then do not purchase Komondor puppy from him/her. There is a high chance that the breeder is trying to give you an unhealthy puppy and wants to break contact with you after the deal is done. So, if the breeder does not want to give his/her contact details to you for future inquiries about nutrition, health, or grooming needs of the dog, then he/she is not the right breeder for making the purchase.

Breeds Overview (make table highlighting some characteristics and features)

