To Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian on “Cyberviolence”: You’re Full of It.

3 min readSep 28, 2015

Ordinarily, I don’t like to share certain things about my life because they are deeply traumatizing, but the idiocy the two parties in the title have advocated to the UN has forced my hand.

Their definition of cyberviolence (an idiocy in itself, as no physical harm can ever result from words on the internet) essentially boils down to “if it hurts my feelings or I don’t like it, BAN IT!”

Ladies, I have only this to say: If the thought of being insulted, criticized, or merely disagreed with on the internet bothers you, GET OFF THE INTERNET.

Seriously, if you are going to be infantile enough to want to censor everything on the internet that might hurt your feelings, you do not need or deserve to be on it, as all the above can also happen in real life, and the rest of the world need not put up with your shrill whining about mean people on the tubes.

Before I get called an MRA or someone who hates women, I’m a feminist, and as a feminist, I oppose ACTUAL violence against women, like domestic abuse, rape, and other crimes that do cause actual trauma.

As for the internet, let me share a few things about myself that have happened on the internet and my takes on your positions:

  • Like everyone who has ever been on the tubes, I have been stalked, harassed and doxxed a long, long time ago, and at the time, it rattled the hell out of me. However, I came to the realization I could either cry like a bitch about it, or simply accept the world is not filled with nice people, grow a thicker skin, and move on.
  • Okay, I agree, someone calling you a “whore”, “asshole”, claiming they want to rape you, and other such comments are horrifying and appalling, and death threats are never acceptable. HOWEVER, you ladies do realize over 99.99% of this is just idiots shit talking on the internet, thinking the anonymity of the internet gives them the power to be douchebags. Almost none of the time will any of these fools ever pull this crap off, they are just trying to be bastardized edgelord parodies.
  • When I say I oppose violence, here’s why: I was once beaten to near death, left in legitimate terror for my own life for quite some time after. The party who did this is now nowhere near me and as I understand no longer in a position to hurt anyone else to my knowledge, but I confess if they ever were near me again, I would be legit afraid. That, ladies, is violence worth worrying about.
  • If you don’t like criticism of public words and actions, you’re both spineless cowards. Encyclopedia Dramatica has mocked me more than once, and instead of whine about it, I laughed my ass off. By comparison, Zoe Quinn, you filed an unconstitutional gag order on a man and stalked him with Google Alerts just in case he said anything about you because you wanted him silenced. You, Anita, you have baited trolls more than once, even produced that infamous popcorn eating GIF to spite them, and you have the audacity to complain about harassment when you’ve goaded on anyone who might not like you. Ladies, you’re hypocrites and the UN would be fools to take you seriously.

In conclusion, I’m going to say this in summation:

Zoe Quinn (aka Chelsea van Valkenburg): You’re a corrupt coward who has manipulated everyone you can for your own gain, even suborning the legal system to silence someone in defiance of the Constitution, and you are guilty of all the crimes you have accused others of.

Anita Sarkeesian: You’re a shallow con artist spouting bad pop culture analysis for fiscal gain and milking any controversy for your own gain, even goading on people to hate you for more undeserved sympathy.

And I dare both of you to attempt silencing me for those feelings.

