Be yourself

2 min readMay 31, 2023


We hear the words “be yourself” often from parents, mentors, teachers, etc. This might be a blog topic you are tired of listening to, I feel your pain pal. Don’t rush to judge yet you are going to find this blog post interesting.

Source: Pixabay

Let’s get straight to the point. When you try to be somebody else you deprive the world of something special. An important part of the universe that has a great role to play, a duty to serve, character to expose & a void to fill. The moment you get to mimic another person you lose your true character to produce two unnecessary similar characters. Between these two characters the second is fake & can never beat the first at shining.

Its advisable to notice your best traits & abilities. We all possess such characters. The difference between people who excel better & those who don’t is that people who excel know what they do best, show contentment & focus on improving what they are naturally good at. When you notice your best traits & abilities focus on them to develop yourself. Focused self improvement can get an individual far. Below are a few things that we need to pay less attention to because they encourage people to mimic others.

  1. Peer pressure

When you allow the people you spend most of you time with, people such as friends, colleagues, siblings, etc. to discourage you from following your heart you have lost yourself. Believe in your own ideas no matter how much the next person discourages you, when you don’t do well you know I have made my own mistake. This can help you develop your own character to become a better person.

2. No contentment

A content person appreciates what's regarded as trivial by most. When you are this kind of person you do better. Your appreciation of your least abilities can help you grow to something great. You get what you give. Appreciate to get appreciated.

3. Trying to fit in

Your popular neighbor is not better than you they only have access to more people perhaps because they true to themselves. We don’t all need to be popular. There is a place for everyone. When you try to fit in a group of people by copying how they do things & forget yourself, that won’t help anybody. Who you are copying might lose the true you, who is obviously better than the fake you & you lose your best character. Who wants that?

To conclude this article, be yourself. Painting a bee black, instructing it to lose weight & telling it to chill in the toilet does not help anybody. Let a bee, be a bee & a fly be a fly. Be yourself.

