12 times “Be Best” brought out the best in the American people

Jessica Taylor Price
2 min readMay 8, 2018


A little boy is up at bat. He swings and misses, then pauses to remember his trust fund, and his father’s last words to him before boarding his private jet to the annual money orgy in Phoenix, Arizona:

“Be best.”

A woman struggles to make ends meet, working the night shift at a 50s diner, before a wise old black woman appears in a puff of smoke and tells her what she’s known in her heart all along:

“Be best.”

In a world where crime rules the night, one man, against all odds, keeps the terrorists at bay using only his wit and a bunch of AK-47s. He remembers his wife’s dying words as he broods in a corner:

“Be best.”

A young girl is heartbroken when she’s bullied by her peers on the internet. Her mother reminds her that cyberbullying goes two ways, and tells her about her friends’ mothers’ addictions.

“Be best.”

A young man stands in a voting booth in Nashville, Tennessee. He ponders all of the sacrifices his forefathers have made for his freedom, along with our beloved troops, and votes for a candidate that wants to defund the VA.

“Be best.”

A father takes his first-born son fishing. The boy makes several attempts at catching a fish, to no avail. The father consoles the son, then reminds him that he’s made a sizable donation to Yale on his behalf.

“Be best.”

A young woman comes out to her parents. They tell her they love her and then send her to a camp called Choose Christ, with the motto:

“Be best.”

An immigrant boy misses his family, which has been taken into custody upon crossing the border.

“Be best.”

A top-rated corporate lawyer is tragically bogged down by sexual harassment allegations. The ghost of Roy Cohn appears to him in a dream and says:

“Be best.”

A homeless man begs for change on the street corner. A woman fills his cup with pills that were loose in the bottom of her Chanel handbag (Summer 2018 collection), and walks away satisfied that she’s done her part.

“Be best.”

An ultrasound technician gives a woman exciting news: She’s having a girl. Whether she likes it or not.

“Be best.”

A few lucky schoolchildren get free or subsidized lunches in a district in New York City. When they open their lunches, they’re delighted to find no food, but instead a personalized note from the First Lady herself:

“Be best.”



Jessica Taylor Price

Writer and hamster enthusiast. Contributor to @thegymterdotnet & @thisisrobotbutt. Creator of http://CoinsComics.com.