Mako Shark

Infinite Knowledge
2 min readMay 31, 2020


The Mako shark, also referred to as Isurus in the scientific community, is an unimaginable and extremely quick beast.

Today, there are only two living species of Mako remaining. They’re referred to as the Longfin Makos and the Shortfin Makos.

The largest is the Longfin with a size of about 4.5 meters (14ft) and adults weigh-in around 170 kilograms (375 pounds).

Shortfin sharks are often about half this size and weight.

That is the fastest shark species on this planet.

They average an incredible 60mph when hunting for prey! One of many secrets and techniques for their great speed is their aerodynamic skin, which has been replicated to fabricate swimsuits.

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