10,000 Men Replied: What They Want More Than Anything, But Few Admit It

Because the question „What will women want?" was put too many times, analysts wanted to find out the answer to „What do men want, in fact?”.

2 min readDec 21, 2023
Image by borjandreu</a> on Freepik

Just as men have misconceptions about our desires, women also sometimes have erroneous information about men, which leads many of them to cling to beliefs that block a potential relationship instead of propelling it forward. The most problematic of these beliefs is that men only want one thing.

The truth is, in reality, another.

Many women think men just want one-night stands without obligation. This belief creates tension, hostility, insecurity and has the potential to destroy a connection between two possible partners.

So what do men want? What do men most want in a relationship?

YourTango conducted a survey of about 10,000 single men, asking them one question: „What do you want most from your love life?”.

The options they received were as follows:

A. To meet more women
B. To meet a woman of superior caliber
C. To find a serious long-term relationship
D. To find and fall in love with the woman of my…

