5 Remedies For Cracked Lips — Number 2 Is Not Expensive

Half a month separates us from the coming of the winter season, long awaited by a lot of people.

3 min readNov 25, 2023
Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

With its arrival and the installation of the cold, our care routine must be changed, and certain areas of the face require special care.
If you love to be up to date, you should know that even the products you use can influence your skin in a certain way, so you have to be careful about the products you stop at.

When talking about cool weather, we also remember cracked lips, not at all aesthetic or even painful, so find out some remedies for their care.

Remedies for cracked lips

Honey of bees

Bee honey is a choice for dry and cracked lips due to its moisturizing and healing properties and can be used especially in the case of cuts.
Apply a little honey on your lips before going to bed and notice the beneficial effects until the next day.
Sour cream

Cream, a fairly inexpensive food, can be used to remove dead cells and soften them. Cracks in the corners of the mouth indicate a deficiency of vitamin B2, which must make you understand that you need a vitamin…

