7 Sensitive Places To Kiss Your Boyfriend If You Want To Drive Him Crazy

2 min readMay 30, 2022
Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

Men, even if they don’t admit it outright, love foreplay. They also love that play that makes them want you at all costs. You want to drive him simply crazy? We suggest a few touches, a few places where he definitely likes to be kissed.

On the earlobe

Approach him as if you want to whisper a mega-secret in his ear and kiss him gently. Touching your lips will give him a thrill that’s hard to describe. You can even whisper a few words. Anything, he won’t hear them anyway, because his thoughts will be elsewhere entirely.

Back of the knees

Maybe the area behind the knees doesn’t necessarily look like an erogenous zone, but being so full of neural endings, touching this place is extremely exciting.

On the thighs

Your thighs and the area between your navel and waist is a good playground for your lips. Kiss him in these sensitive areas and surely his imagination will fly far, far away. The rest is up to you.

Anywhere, blindfolded

If he agrees, blindfold him. Or ask him to keep his eyes closed. Wherever you touch his lips now the sensation will be more intense, because he won’t know what’s coming next.

