7 Things You Should Never Discuss Online

2 min readJun 16, 2024

Mails, SMS or chat messages. These are the preferred ways to communicate today. However, they do not necessarily fit into any situation. Behind the written words can hide a lot. Texts can be carefully thought out and might not let some essentials be glimpsed. Here is what you should not discuss online:

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

1. A breakup

Even if the relationship you are currently in has deteriorated a lot and you want to end it, do not do it at all through a message. Breakups are easier to bear when communication is working well, and this will not happen in the case of a message filled with emoticons.

2. An infidelity

You are aware/a to deceive your partner/is not correct, but to leave the proof of this on a computer or a phone is stupid. Delete emails or messages or calls to the other person. Exactly who should not see them risk to discover them and the pain caused will be even greater.

3. Details of sexually transmitted diseases

If you’ve contracted a bacterial infection and want to be a responsible adult and warn your potential partner about it, that’s a very good thing, it’s just good to avoid saying it to him „in writing”, especially if you are not sure that it is a lasting relationship. The information might turn…

