How to Recognize a Real Man: 10 Basic Features

3 min readAug 12, 2023
Photo by Pasqualino Capobianco on Unsplash

How many times have you been disappointed by the men you went out with or fell in love with? None of them behaved like a real man would. To avoid such people in the future, read what qualities a representative of the opposite sex possesses and for whom it is worth fighting.

1. Don’t admire a woman just for her physical appearance.

If a representative of the opposite sex goes out with you just because he likes your shape, then he is not the one you should stay with. This is proof that he is a womanizer and superficial, so you do not need such a person in your life. Those who choose you only based on your physical appearance do not meet the qualities of a real man, who deserves all your appreciation.

2. Don’t be intimidated by your success.

The motivation and success you show should never irritate a man but make him feel proud of you. Beware of those who try to pull you down just because they are not able to do more with their lives.

3. It gives you answers.

It has certainly happened to you at least once in your life not to receive an answer from a man. That moment is frustrating and disappointing, especially if you have the impression that you are the one who…

