What Risks Do You Take When You Don’t Give Yourself Time And Move From One Relationship to Another?

At first glance, you consider yourself victorious.

3 min readJan 18, 2024
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Do not cry, suffer, but as a winner you have fun, you have a new relationship and you are wanted. This is in the context where the former relationship ended 5 minutes ago and the smell of his skin is still felt on the bedding. Moving from one relationship to another without pause is actually a way of coping, a survival strategy, and not a healthy decision made by an emotionally available person.

You’re not healing

When do you have time to heal, integrate the separation, carry the mourning after the former partner? You don’t have when since as soon as the relationship is over you started a new one. Perhaps even seeing the very predictable outcome of the separation you had already begun in parallel with the official relationship on the current one. So that even there is no day or week of solitude.


Yes, the new relationship is a patch relationship. It’s just that the patch comes off and you inevitably end up bleeding emotionally on the partner who didn’t do anything wrong to you. It is a kind of duality of delight that you receive attention, love, is fascinated by you, with…

