Infiniti 🦋
6 min readJun 4, 2020

Racial Protests & Justice Must Thank Covid-19

If it wasn’t for The Covid-19 Pandemic, there wouldn’t be as many people available for this.

Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

In the middle of the biggest global pandemic in 100 years, we are faced with another global challenge: The Racism Pandemic coming to light like never before because of the murder of George Floyd.

So Many Gone

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has been devastating to the entire world on so many personal and financial levels. To date there have been nearly reported 377,000 deaths globally, and nearly 107,000 in America.

It’s staggering to try to wrap your head around that many people that are now gone that were here just a few months ago. My heart goes out to all who have lost loved ones and who have dealt with and are dealing with this on the front lines and in their personal lives in a very real way-but I also believe in a greater purpose to all of this.

So Many Out Of Work

When everything had to close because people needed to stay home and social distance-we had a direct effect of that. No going to work for millions of people.

Now in America have more than 40 million people on unemployment-and we know that doesn’t count everyone. There’s so many people out of work, at home and waiting for things to get “back to normal”.

The Positives

Of course, we can all focus on the ways that this has effected the world and us personally very negatively, but there has been upsides to this pandemic and we must see that-or we miss the lessons and wisdom.

Aside from people coming together and really helping each other through this event in many ways that they never would have before, we have other positives too:

— We have seen the effects of what just a few weeks of people staying at home has done for the air quality everywhere. It’s been enough to teach us how quickly Earth heals herself, and that we don’t all have to leave the house to work, we don’t have to get in cars and use gas daily. We see how staying home will help reduce our carbon footprint and our planet.

— Many people are seeing that they can work from home who weren’t before and will continue to do so as more and more companies are ditching their office space and sending their workers home to get the job done. They are even finding that people are more productive and there’s less money and resources being used.

— Now there’s animals where we haven’t seen them in forever. As a nature nut, this makes me so happy.

— Globally we know things about how systems work or don’t-now more than ever, and we will continue to see how this pandemic is leading us into a new paradigm for humanity.

— Even as we have had to stay “social distanced” people have connected more to each other and to their spirit and spirituality than they have in a long time-or ever.

— Creativity! Humanity has really gone within, and continue to tap into their artistic and creative sides on an entirely new level. For those who were already tapping into these energies within, it has flooded. For those who let it fall away, they have discovered their creative expression.

— People are waking up in many ways to things they were able to ignore previously, realizing what’s important and what’s not and what needs to change in their personal lives and in the world.

We are all riding the same wave-so we can all see the same things. And this is rare for our world of singularity and the “me” way of life.

Reopening The World

Opening things back up has been staggered and all over the place depending on the country and in America, depending on each individual Governor of the state and within the states we have different rules for counties and cities.

Regardless of when things open, we still have many people not working and that will be the case for a while-unfortunately. But that also means people have time.

Thank You COVID-19

Washington. DC Photo by, Ted Eytan via Flickr

If it wasn’t for COVID-19, and so many people unable to work, we wouldn’t have as many people available to get out on the streets and protest. There’s just no possible way we would be seeing what we are seeing for over a week and it has turned global-people holding up photos of George Floyd from The UK to France, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia. We’ve never seen this before.

I’m not saying that everyone protesting is out of work and they have nothing else better to do. Of course there are people at marches who are still employed, and there’s people there who would be there even if they still had a job. However, the pandemic has freed up a lot of people to do this.

The pandemic has given people the time and room to see what’s going on and get involved. To get out on the streets and do something about this horrible situation that has been raging for centuries: Racism-and it worked.

Police Accountable For Their Brutality

Today-finally after 9 days since the murder of George Floyd all officers involved were charged and the officer who committed the murder, and Derek Chauvin’s charges have been raised from 3rd degree murder to 2nd degree murder.

It’s step in the right direction for what happened to George Floyd, and our future. The message has been heard. Enough is enough. We need to pull it apart to make it better and that begins now.

Our Future

I wonder how long the protests will go on for, and I do wonder about the aftermath of these groups gathering. I truly hope that the spike in COVID-19 cases isn’t another shock to the system, but no matter what-all of this had to happen, obviously-or it wouldn’t be happening.

We need to continue to pay attention to the embers still burning underneath the fire of COVID-19, and of course Racism.

Lorie Shaull

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Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.