The Healing Butterfly-STORIES

The Incarnates: Awakening To The Spiritual War, Part 1

Battles With The Dark Side

Infiniti 🦋
15 min readJul 14, 2020

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god. — William Shakespeare

It is Saturday, late morning.

There’s way too much noise going on outside-construction workers, gardeners, people being generally loud assholes.

Maybe it’s just her mood-she’s not happy at the moment.

I’m so mad.

She tosses her lighter high up in the air and it lands perfectly in the cup on her table a few feet away, somehow missing the multitude of crystals, candles, flowers, plants and various knickknacks, her water bottle, her coffee and her plate of fruit.

She raises an eyebrow and winks at her Guides-her invisible family — Brothers & Sisters of The Light — always with her.

Like that? She queries them silently, telepathically.

One of them sends her a vision of a white rose.

Good, Dear One. They say in her mind, being encouraging — as they always are. They know she’s really trying to keep herself Light, and being silly is her way.

She smiles — halfheartedly. She immediately soaks in the energy, and scent of the White Rose they fill the room with and it makes her feel better instantly — of course.

Thank you, she says with a full smile.

The little tricks she can do now are fun and entertaining and she enjoys playing with energy. Especially going back and forth with Them.

She can move things — her telekinesis is quite remarkable, being able to slide things long distances. Making things float and move is a bit more difficult and requires more energy.

It seems nearly effortless having incredible accuracy when throwing things, her pendulum couldn’t possibly spin any faster and she loves bringing in The Wind at will-especially when it’s hot.

Working with GAIA and the elements is one of her favorite things to do.

Still, being able to heal people and animals is her most favorite thing. You would think that during The Pandemic she would get more chances at that — but human’s are stubborn. So very stubborn.

She tries not to let the climbing death toll bring her down, it was harder when it began, now she knows so much more — she stopped fretting months ago about being able to help victims of The Pandemic.

Instead, she focuses on them once transitioned. Helping them keep their Light anchored during this Lighting Up Time — part of The Happenings for The Collective.

For her it was simple, if she could fix things, she wanted to — if it was a person with a back ache or cancer or COVID19 — that didn’t matter to her. For her it was all the same: someone needed help and she can help. Simple.

Of course, it was always way more complicated for others to imagine that she could do what she says she can do — thinking she’s crazy — claiming being able to help with such a thing when doctors, months into the cluster fuck — were still clueless about what the disease is and does and how to fight it.

Downloads on the virus and exactly what it is and does and how it works differently with people came to her months before — in the beginning.

Oh well — when the time comes…

Her super-strength is very handy, especially for being such a small human — she can lift things she shouldn’t be able to — and needs to watch who’s watching because it’s not normal.

Once she was caught moving a solid wood & iron table from one side of her yard to the other — a table that she shouldn’t have been able to scoot, let alone pick up and carry.

Being what she is — lying is not easy, it doesn’t come naturally and having to make up lies quickly isn’t her forte. She would rather be truthful.

“It’s lighter than it looks!” is all she could think to say when she put it down in its new spot as he walked by — jaw slack, eyes bugging out.

Luckily the neighbor who saw her had no idea how heavy it actually was.

Being super strong does pose some other challenges…

The other day when she was pulling the top off of her new oatmeal container, the entire top half of it ripped apart — oatmeal everywhere — that was a little (a lot) annoying.

You don’t know your own strength, Dear One.

No shit! As she sweeps up the kitchen floor and picks oatmeal out of her hair.

She keeps being reminded by them-easy.

Last week she was went to open a door to the freezer at the grocery store, and the entire door flew off and slid across the aisle.

Fuuuuuck! She thought as she looked around to see who may have witnessed Wonder Woman in the frozen foods section!

Luckily, no one was standing there and people weren’t looking her way when this happened and she just repeated the usual,

“I have no idea what happened!”

Of course, no one thought she did it — but she did.

Did I just?



All is well, Dear One.

They just assumed it was a broken hinge that came off when she opened the door…The hinge was fine. It was her using way too much force to pull it open, although it didn’t feel that way to her.

Her eyes are still being put back into socket after that one. She plays it back over and over in her mind, sort of feeling the weight of the door as it came off and flew — but not really.

She hears Yoda’s Voice:

The Force is strong in this one, yes…

You guys crack me up! Hello, Yoda.

Hello, Dear Strong One.

She laughs even harder as she sees an imagine of The Real Yoda come through to her. He looks a bit like the one in the Star Wars movies, but he is much taller and not as bent over, his ears aren’t as pointy, and he has a long beard, his eyes are like diamonds and he glows golden Light.

She breaks things often because she forgets how strong she is.

You have to be more mindful of your Force, Dear One. Your Life Force is very strong now, and only getting stronger, all jokes aside.

I know, I keep forgetting.

She’s been extra strong for a few years now, but since The Pandemic, and even more so lately and seven months in — it’s on an entirely new level.

It’s quite a departure from her earlier life.

For the better part of 40 years she was a sickly person, no strength whatsoever — now she’s some super-power human mutant!

She thinks back to the days when she couldn’t even move her own body. Her Life Force was turned inside out, instead of inside-in — which is a problem and more common that people would imagine — if they would imagine that to begin with.

All of her Life Force Energy was being sucked out of her by The Collective, everyone around her who was in any pain or physical/emotional distress-whether she or they knew it (and they didn’t) she was sending Life Force to them.

Making her very sick from the time she was a baby.

Not to mention, The Dark Ones pulling on her Life Force too, attempting to make her as weak as possible — to extinguish her before she could “Awaken” to herself.

They failed. Oh, how I am a thorn in their side. Assholes.

She always saw herself as a survivor, she’s racked up 7 NDE’s (Near Death Experiences all with different levels and degrees of “near”) as life seemed to want to do everything possible to get rid of her, always miraculously saved, or wiggle out of whatever situation or person was coming at her — but she had no idea what the stakes really were, and why it was happening.

Well, up until that last one of course.

That one she was more than aware of what the stakes were. If it wasn’t for that last one though — she wouldn’t have believed for herself how strong she was physically or psychically.

The cost was high — but it was part of what needed to happen. You could say that The Dark won that day, her son being hauled off to jail — his dog being taken from her care — because that was the only way to get at her.

The way he came at her with knives to her throat, fighting The Demon inside, nothing but her will to make him drop the knife-twice.

“I want to destroy you,” he told her as his eyes went opaque and his face slightly shifted. It was subtle, so very subtle — but it happened.

The Demon inside was really taking hold.

She knew it wasn’t her son. It was the Demon inside of him — fighting with him, and with her, as he pressed the knife to her throat and lifted her by the throat — off of the ground.

She was so calm, all she could do was try to stand on her tippy-toes and fight the thing inside of him. Will him to stop. Her breathing was long and deep, her heart wasn’t racing…So very calm. He dropped the knife. Like it was twisted out of his hand.

Darth Vader style.

Even a surprise punch to the side of the head that would have leveled anyone bigger than her son at 6'2'’ (and usually does) she-her-the little thing stood there like it was nothing.

“You hit me.” She said to him as he stood there in shock after that enormous surprise clock to the left side of her head. This was in between bouts of dancing on tippy toes with two separate knives.

“Yes. I did.” He couldn’t believe that she was still conscious, much less standing. Her will and resilience was breaking him down, more than ever before it was obvious he didn’t come from a normal woman, his mother was not like others. She was stronger than he could have imagined and wouldn’t back down-despite breaking the window on her door and coming in after her, once she was able to get away from him the first time.

She was guarding the dog, and not giving up. It scared him.

He was sent to kill her, take them both out at once. Clever. But she was stronger than they thought.

She tried to get away and avoid all of this..She knew it was coming, so she told him she was going out of town when he said he was coming.

She tried to leave for the weekend like she told him she was, but it didn’t work out, so of course, one day removed from the Full Moon and the warning from her Guides, he was there — he came anyway. He was livid that she was actually home, which set the tone for the rest of the family reunion.

It took nothing for it to get physical, something that never happened between them before — but now was different.

Now she knew who she was she was closer to finding out who he was, always a powerful child — but broken down by his father using Parental Alienation tactics, and her sickly body his entire life didn’t help anything either.

How things have changed. She was standing there taking his punches to the head and knives to the throat. In the moment she had no idea why he kept dropping the knifes, later she would be shown that it was not because he didn’t to use them, or knock her out — it was simply that he couldn’t. She stopped him.

Yoda wasn’t joking, she’s extremely powerful. This is why The Dark Ones come at her so hard.

Back in the day — her old life — before she knew what she was-they did most of their dirty energy work on her when she was sleeping — causing night terrors & sleep paralysis. That’s what they do.

It was during wake times that they used weak humans to go after her whenever they could. Certain times of the month or year are easier to get people to do things, both for The Light & The Dark. It just depends on what frequency you resonate at that allows for either side to work with you.

The easily manipulated people with a weak sense of self and low Life Force, more negatively charged than positively charged, and when addicted to many mood-altering substances, or take medications for a lot of physical or mental issues, have unresolved traumas/been abused/neglected, etc.

They can be even more manipulated, volatile, violent and aggressive — and in need of pure Life Force Energy since they are always in lack — so they are easily triggered to go Dark Side.

She’s seen the eyes of a person change, their face do that thing — more than she would like to admit — when they are triggered and being taken down a direction that is being driven by something that is inside of them, but isn’t them — despite having been with them usually, since they were children.

Managing that has been training on its own, there’s different levels of attacks from people when she ventures out, usually it’s not a problem but it can be so random.

You never know who’s going to be “Agent Smithed” as she’s seen the closest people to her go down-her own son being one — and ones she’s never seen before — and everything in between. It doesn’t matter, The Dark Side is very, very convincing in their ways they manipulate minds, and the lower in consciousness you are, the easier it is. The more fear you have, the easier it is. The more negative you are, the easier it is. The more angry you are, the easier it is. The more sad you are, the easier it is. It really is true, like attracts like.

There’s a Dark One for every negative emotion a person can possibly have, and whatever is your poison — there’s a Dark One ready to attach to you and drink from your well.

She used to be one of those people, but her Guides came for her and they brought her out of her slumber, and she Awoke.

That was a bad day for The Dark Side.

And once she was whole, once they showed her how to take out the bad and put in the good energy, put all of her energy in her body back into the right places, get her energy centers into alignment and in flow, learn how to protect herself from parasites and attacks — life has been completely different, and continues to change — her body and her abilities continues to evolve and she only gets stronger in every respect — constantly.

That’s why it’s difficult for her not to break things, not to pull doors off freezers and rip oatmeal containers in two.

The Smith’s don’t scare her. Nothing does, her fight with her own flesh and blood — her baby proves that — and she knows that this last battle with Mr. Eagle will prove that too.

She’s been sent visions of herself full-blown floating and flying around. And, while she has levitated a few dozen times at will, moving around the way she sees in her visions makes her queasy and it doesn’t seem like it’s possible.

She keeps getting the sense of falling — something that’s always been a trigger of fear for her — all of her life. She thought she was afraid of heights for most of her life, but she came to recognize that she actually loved being up high, it’s the fear of falling that kicks in.

It’s because she CAN fly, in her natural state — but in a human body it’s not something that is programmed into the consciousness of humans other than it being a fantasy, something for super hero’s. This is why the fear of falling comes into play. It’s the two realities clashing, causing fear.

That’s a natural reaction everyone has, but it is possible, Dear One.

I can’t imagine flying around like that and not being hauled into some lab.

She can do other fun things — like her ability to stop searing pain suddenly when she gets hurt, her ability to heal extremely fast is definitely a perk.

A few weeks ago, she smashed her finger extremely hard in the screen door latch, creating an instant bruise and blister of blood, it was red and swollen instantly and she was in so much pain.

Immediately she thought how having this injury was going to affect her day, she had gardening planned and now it seemed like she needed to make new plans.

She pushed the pain away and got into her work online and about 15 minutes later, she remembered her finger. It didn’t hurt at all.

To her utter amazement, it was fine. Not just OK for being hurt, but it was FINE. 100% fine. Like nothing happened.

What the?

Immediately she was sending texts to another Incarnate, “I’m sending you photos of my finger. The first is when I hurt it about 30 minutes go, and the second is from about 20 minutes later — look at the time stamps.”

“Downright unbelievable!” is what the response was.

“I know, you can’t even tell that I hurt it-and it feels fine.”

Around a week before that, she did something very, very thoughtless.

She had been cooking pasta, and put it in the oven to bake. Using an oven-mit, she took the pan out of the oven and set it on the counter.

A few minutes later, though, when she went to scoop some out for her lunch, she did NOT use an oven-mit to hold on to the pan. Big mistake.

She had burns on her palm and each finger. She stood there in disbelief at her own lack of paying attention to what she was doing that her entire hand got burned, more annoyed with herself than anything, looking down at her burns, waiting to see how bad it would get.

Did I really, REALLY just do that? That’s got to be the dumbest thing I’ve done all week. Goddamn it! Fuck!

It hurt, a lot. But mostly she was angry at herself for grabbing the handle like that.

What. The. Hell? It was a combination of being hungry, impatient and not paying attention to her reality.



This was another time she was preparing for serious consequences for hurting herself.

She walked around, willing the pain to stop. And it did tone down a lot, pretty quickly.

Each spot where she touched the 450 degree handle was shiny and red and beginning to puff up.

Damn it. Nooooo!

Not blisters. Please no blisters.

Help! Not 3rd degree burns!

She was guided to get a towel, put it in cool water and stick her hand in it and sit, quietly and focus on healing.

Her Guides told her to stop and take a look about 15 minutes later and to her utter amazement she found that her fingers were fine.

Oh my God.

Each finger and her palm were perfectly fine. Not a hint of injury.

Holy shit. She couldn’t believe what she wasn’t seeing.

It was like it didn’t happen at all.

A very similar exchange with the other Incarnate took place shortly there after.

She’s also stopped aging, and has aged in reverse…That has been fun. She doesn’t look a day over 35 tops, but she’s nearly 50, and her body — it’s as though she’s some athlete. Toned, in shape, like never, ever before — and she hardly even tries — nearly all of her physical training is done in astral, in her sleep.

She wakes up remembering bits and pieces of training in various ways, martial arts, dance, weaponry, gymnastics, technologies including A.I. — ones that are here/in this time and elsewhere & another time, techniques for meditation, connecting to The Blue Nebula/Akashic Records, downloading information on those she is coming into contact with so she can help them when they are ready.

She’s busy 24/7.

The downloads and working with her body’s muscle memory is something that happens whenever she sleeps. There’s really “no good reason” her body should look the way that it does. Even her bone structure has changed.

She meets with those that are on The Other Side of The Veil, as well as Incarnates that are also called into Astral at the same time, so they can begin working together prior to meeting in person, it makes things go as smooth as possible once connecting in the physical, once The Dark are aware of the connection too.

As far as other abilities go, when she can’t find something she will ask her Guides and immediately she knows exactly where it is.

Thank you! As she receives information on the location of various things.

She sends gratitude silently when she recovers another item she’s misplaced — thanking her Guides for working with her 24/7.

She can feel what is happening in the bodies of others and heal their physical bodies, transmute the energy within them and work with their guides is something she couldn’t have dreamt up before living it.

It really is like living in a dream sometimes…

Her phone chirps — a reminder of Mr. Eagle’s text coming through like a weapon meant to hurt her — demanding her attention —because it’s happening again — exactly what she’s been waiting for all week.

It’s these damn Stargate’s! They get him every time during the Stargate’s!

Here’s another ongoing story of mine:

Infiniti is a Lightworker, Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Quantum Distance Healer, Psychic Advisor, Channel, Medium, Pet Psychic & Healer, Soul Guide, Spiritual Liaison & Ascension Coach. Once living constant pain, now she eliminates pain in others! Discover: The Healing

Be guided today, and always Live In Love.

Visit the new spiritual publication:
THE DREAMING 963 : A New Place For Old Souls



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.