Facts You Didn’t Know About JetBlue Airlines Flights

3 min readMay 3, 2022


Is it your first fly with JetBlue Airlines Flights? Dive deep into this blog to explore some of the interesting facts about this airline right away.

Have you just booked JetBlue Airlines Flights tickets or is planning to do so? Either ways, you have landed on the right page because this blog solely focuses on this airline.

This aircraft was one of the lowest cost airlines to start in the United States. With the inception of this airline, many people could enjoy flying at economical rates. It has been around 20 years since its establishment and it’s still popular among US residents.

Therefore, before you board the plane it’s important for you know some interesting facts about this airline. So, without any further search, start reading the blog.

About Jet Blue Airlines

It is a major American low cost airline. It is also the seventh largest airline in North America in terms of passenger carrying. Back in 2020, it ranked 394 financially on the Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. Therefore, it is easy to get cheap tickets JetBlue airline and fly luxuriously to any destination. There are many perks and benefits by flying to this airline. Hence, choosing this aircraft can be the best decision ever. So, let’s head further to unravel some interesting facts about JetBlue aircraft.

Explore the Unknown Facts about this Airline

  1. More Amenities than Other Airlines : One of the major unique selling points of JetBlue Airline Flights is it offers more amenities than other similar airlines. With the availability of onboard entertainment, every seat comes with a TV. Along with this, there is more leg room for passengers, complimentary beverages and snacks, and a free radio. Their main aim is to not let passengers compromise just because they paid a less price. Also, there are options for passengers to upgrade their seat if they want to.

2. Introduction of Premium Cabin Service : This airline introduced premium cabin service called Mint. This premium service started its operation back in 2013. Moreover, this airline has configured several multiple Airbus 321s that is used particularly for this service. With fewer seats on the plane, the passengers can enjoy extra space. Furthermore, such seats can lie flat and come with panels to provide to more privacy. However, their business class provides a whole different level of comfort.

3. The Airline to Gain Profit after the pandemic : After the dreadful cascading effects of the pandemic, the aviation industry was facing huge loss since many were fearful of flying. However, JetBlue was the only airline who continued to make profit. People continued with their JetBlue Airways flights booking. During the time of the pandemic, it was this airline that had also initiated the mode of travelling to supply some of the medicinal goods and also cater to the needs of the passengers. Even though less people were flying, many were still looking for cheap tickets JetBlue airlines. Hence, there is always something unique about flying with this airline. Within so many years of its operation, it has never faced any serious financial issues.

4. It Was Originally to be Called as Taxi : Did you know this airline was originally to be named as taxi? And the color was going to be yellow to represent NY taxi. This was supposed to be done to boast itself to be based in New York. However, this did not take place due to several reasons. The first being, the name could cause many problems in Air Traffic Control as the world taxi was already in use. This term was used to refer to those aircraft that were already moving in ground. It was also heard that JP Morgan who wanted to invest $200 million behind this aircraft would take it back if the name would not change.


Last but not least, if you do have the urge to fly with some of the best airlines, then you do need to reach out to us now. It’s time to book your flight by choosing JetBlue Airlines flights booking right now. Dive into the best travel booking site today and soar high above!

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