Influencio Telegram AMA Recap — 12th April 2022

7 min readApr 19, 2022


Date: 12th April 2022

Time: 3PM SGT

Speakers: Daniel Daboczy, Malcolm Tan

Host: Hello everyone, welcome to Influencio First Weekly AMA 🥳, Before we start, let me introduce myself first. I am Lhaiyne, the Head CM of Influencio and I am pleased to be your host today.

And before we continue, please meet our guest today, Mr Daniel Daboczy and Mr. Malcolm Tan. Some of you know might know them already, but of course, as part of the drill, please introduce yourself Gentlemens @danieldaboczy @MalcTHPL

@danieldaboczy : ♥️ Happy to meet you all. We’re so happy that INFLUENCIO is receiving so much support

Host: We are happy to have you here today.

Before we proceed to community questions, let me ask the ones I prepared


Q1: How do you think Influencio Gamefi and Socialfi will have a huge impact in the Metaverse

@danieldaboczy : True user engagement is a goldmine that many are looking for. In an immersive eco-system with metaverse games that allows P2P earning and Play to watch earnings becomes a powerful tool for engagement. The advertisement space is over 150 billion USd big and at the same time 100 million plus influencers can’t get paid for their amplification. if you add all these elements to a soup you get a very exciting project


I believe so, please say Over when you’re done please!


Q2: As a senior participant and entrepreneur in the blockchain industry, do you have any thoughts about the industry or let’s say the current market situation, how do you think it won’t affect the Influencio launch?

@danieldaboczy : We feel that we are in a bear market turning bull. All the trends and graphs indicate that. On the other hand the entire global blockchain industry is still in its super early days.

You should always launch and build in bear markets to ride the bull markets upwards

so we are quite happy of the launch timing for INFLUENCIO

but we do understand that some of the investors are a bit shaken by the world right now but yet again on the other hand, also investors know that you invest in bear markets not when markets are at the top

so we expect INFLUENCIO to fly!

Especially once we also show the traction the company has next to the coin



Q3: How will you be keeping up with technology and future competitors? Are you prepared for copycat companies that will try to steal your success and offer a similar service?

@danieldaboczy : They say that if you do good things 100 will follow and if you do great things thousands will follow. So we are aware that we are not the only ones trying to solve this but I do think we have a group with unique and proven competence in crypto, in company building, in influencer marketing, in advertisement that we will have a proper good chance to succeed. We do hope that more will attempt this feat as there is plenty of room and space. The exciting and challenging part is to make sure that 100+ million influencers can monetize on their interactions on social medias and that we create proper SocialFi in (over)

Host: 100M influencers?? that’s huge 😍

Q4: But how is Influencio planning to significantly increase engagement and advertising revenues of Influencers on Influencer platform? What are the actions being prepared to achieve this objective?

@danieldaboczy : Usually advertisers spend millions of USD to get ONE celebrity endorsement. That celebrity has a huge reach but low interaction. Thus the money spent for amplification or ads are mostly wasted. While micro influencers globally can amplify a message far better to smaller audiences but with better credibility and engagement. So we are looking at a decentralised payment distribution system that allows celebrities, influencers, micro influencers and their followers to share the advertisement based on a decentralised system that looks at actual engagement rather than reach and or followers alone. You rarely see a t tripple win but here we see that. Those who pay for ads or amplification get a better and more engaged audience, those who create ads for customers will see better effect and reach of their work, and those like all of us, micro influencers, who actually work for free for social medias and create content can now moentize. Many will live on this instead of needing to have side hustles. The goal for us is to keep the first version as simple enough and work as scalable tech companies do, eg by taking data driven decissions (over)

Host: Pretty awesome, can’t wait to see influencers getting monetized and customers that are very satisfied. Down to my last question

Q5: Could you explain to us how the Influencio ecosystem works and how it will benefit the community around the world?

@danieldaboczy : Community is the key element for all companies these days. Engaging the grassroots is in our DNA and our community is already super engaged. In addition we start with over 300 influencers partners in many fields and continents. That reach is over 35 million already without marketing.

And to succeed we need to serve the community with a tool that actually makes money. If we can show our plan and truly can show that influencers and micro influencers on most platforms can monetize then, INFLUENCIO will be a Power Tool and the preferred medium for amplification. The community surrounding INFLUENCIO is ever growing as social medias and interaction+monetization is surely not just a fad lol (over)

Host: Thank you so much .That’s all for me,and it’s your turn guys to drop all your questions. Our CEO @danieldaboczy will going to answer it today


Ryu: Will you share the details of presale today?

@danieldaboczy : Yes. The last pre-sale will open on the 19th of April. Price has increased to 0.07USD per INFLUENCE token

Dina Shinn: The final presales will be starting soon, what launchpad will it be?

@danieldaboczy : We will use an embedded launchpad directly on the webpage

Clara: Last webinar Famecast mention a partnership between your project, is this confirmed

@danieldaboczy : We will announce something great soon! Stay tuned 📈

Myline: When exactly is the listing date?

@danieldaboczy : Listing will be shortly after the last pre-sale closes

Kim Han: Is it true that the final presales will run for 30 days?

@danieldaboczy : Perhaps. Current plan is 3–5 weeks. Depending on many factors. But once all coins are gone in this we close. Project is well backed by VCs and angels so no superrush to do pre-sale

Lola Evans: But how can you assure that the reward token will not get dump if everyone can earn from it?

@danieldaboczy : Why would anyone dump an asset that can and will increase in value?

Trevor Dunce: Can you explain the watch to earn?

@danieldaboczy : Social engagement can be done in many ways, one way is play to earn or watch to earn for example. Eg influencer gets paid per engagement, sometimes that will be watched to earn elements. Eg watching or engaging in content for advertiser

Trevor Dunce: How much is the maximum purchase in final round?

@danieldaboczy : Not sure we have a cap but major investments have to do Tier 2 KYC

Lola Evans: You havent given us a secure or proper burning mechanism for our referrence if what will happen if the reward token has higher volume than the price

@danieldaboczy : All tokenomics and metrics are in the White Paper. Including any burn mechanism

Lola Evans: We knew that every asset especially comes from rewards lowered the price from time to time. Can you tell us why your P2E is different from others?

@danieldaboczy : It’s simple. Most P2E right now are not related to advertisement. They are pure games where you can earn. We believe that p2e is an important but small part in the plethora of engagement tools

Trevor Dunce: Do we need to kyc in creating an account in socialfi?

@danieldaboczy : No, not for social fi but for buying crypto online yes

Clara: I have joined the first round and admins said that details for 1st presale will be out and announced. They said it was successful but the press release is not release until now. Can you walk us through the first presale?

@danieldaboczy : We will announce the result of the pre-sales once they are closed. The upcoming pre-sale is part of the overall pre-sales. We have also shared some great PMs on VCs and angels that joined during the pre sale

Troy: Sir, Socialfi is already trendy and is starting to be popular. Why did you consider adding p2e in your project?

@danieldaboczy : We are looking at how to best serve the advertisers who spend the money and influencers who can help engage. Several methods work for this and p2e is an important part of it. But not the only part of it

Trevor Dunce: Is it ok to create multi account in socialfi?

@danieldaboczy : No

Clara: Is there a chance that you can invite your influencers for an AMA here as well? We would like to know them closer

@danieldaboczy : We’ll do our best. Many are watching right now I am sure. Please see our social medias, Instagram for instance, we have presented them well there. So exciting

Clara: Yes we check them out, but ofcourse since we are from asia, we dont really have an idea who they are aside when they are announce

@danieldaboczy : We will announce some amazing Asian KOLs and influencer partners also soon

Michael Li: Do you think your system is secure enough?

@danieldaboczy : Nothing is secure enough on the Internet. But our experience and team has done it before and we’ll use the best tools available for security

@danieldaboczy : Thank you so much everyone! It was my pleasure to talk to you. Great questions and engagement!

AMA SEssion for today is over. Thank you everyone and we will expect your continuous support




An Influencer platform by Influencers, for Influencers.