Influencio Telegram AMA Recap — 6th February 2022

15 min readFeb 11, 2022



Date: 6th February 2022

Time: 7PM SGT

Speakers: Daniel Daboczy, Malcolm Tan, Fati Hakim

How’s everyone, Get ready! In 5 minutes away AMA will start

Today, we will have an AMA with the Influencio team. Before anything else, let me introduce myself first. I am Lhaiyne, the Head CM and I am delighted to be your host today

Just a brief explanation,

This AMA will consist of 3 parts.

The first part will be an introduction, and some questions from the host and the second part will be some question(s) selected from those who submit their questions and the last part is choosing questions from you guys who will win $10 worth of INFLUENCE tokens! In the first part and second part, chat will be muted for a while. Take note, you’re not banned! We just want to ensure everyone can grasp the most accurate information we will share tonight.


HOST: Before we start, let’s welcome our special guest, Mr Daniel Daboczy,and Fati Hakim. Would you mind to introduce yourselves please 🙏

@danieldaboczy @fatihakim stage is yours

Daniel Daboczy: Hi everyone. Daniel Daboczy here. CEO of INFLUENCIO. I have been in Fintech for the last 12 years and I first touched crytpo in 2015 when we helped a company raise funds (equity crowdfunding) where Bitcoin could be used as payment. Since then I took my company to the Stock Market (IPO) and a few others. (0ver 650 succesfully funded companies by now)

And I have also experience from influencer marketing and advertisement challenges from some of my other investments and interests

Fati Hakim: Hi Guy, nice to be here with you today. My name is Fati Hakim, I am the project director of Influencio and happy to be here with you guys today.

H: Thank you so much Fati,and Daniel . I have prepared some questions here, ‌ Please say “OVER” when you’re done. Are you ready for my first question?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes

🚨 SEGMENT 1 🚨 Introduction & Questions from Host

H: Here’s my Q1-

You already introduced yourself earlier so Now, would you share how you got started into the crypto & blockchain industry and what inspired you guys in creating and developing Influencio?

Daniel Daboczy:I first discovered crypto in 2015 and have seen the power of it. Since I have been successfully running an equity crowdfunding site for more than 10 years, the power of the crowds, and thus the power of the crypto crowds is epic. And at the same time we saw the power of influencer marketing.

But the money distribution is totally wrong. 97% of influencers dont monetize on the work they do on social medias. And 100% of micro influencers DO NOT monetize. And their followers same. We can with blockchainbased distribution models create a tool taregting 100+ million micro influencers and make sure they monetize. This trend shows also Instagram and Facebook focus on. And we believe that Influencio could become the new monetization tool

INFLUENCIO is a massive amplification toolset with dynamic NFTs, Play-to-earn, watch-to-earn and its own metaverse

H: You’re a pioneer I can say. Means you’re able to bag BTC at its pretty low price

Daniel Daboczy: Wish I did. I sold at 1700USD as I thought that was ATH lol

H: OMG, that’s a crazy move 😭😭Thank so much Daniel, here’s my 2nd question

Q2- What is the current mission and vision of Influencio? @danieldaboczy

Daniel Daboczy: Our mission is to make sure that the world’s 100 million + micro influencers can monetize and launching INFLUENCIO the influencer currency

The vision is to create a massive platform where micro influencers can help amplify messages and monetize via in-game actionables and dynamic NFTs that evolve on actions. The vision is to establish INFLUENCIO as THE influencer token and the native currency for the global influencer marketing industry

H: Q3- Explain how the Influencio ecosystem works and how it will benefit the community around the world?

Daniel Daboczy: Great question. The ecosystem uses a blockchain based distribution model where amplification actionables and their effect allows the distribution of funds to reach the optimal amplification while at the same time establish one currency for the industry instead of today’s messy payment issues. The community will benefit clearly by being able to monetize on their time spent and content creation on social medias, and monetize on that. While the advertisement industry (193usd billion) spends over 60 usd billion on influencer marketing and is not reaching the right audiences. We want to help the community to make money and the advertising industry to reach out in a modern and effective way. The currency itself is for in-game actionables, for value storage but also aims at becoming THE ONE currency of the industry. Highly doable and about time someone does it properly. INFLUENCIO is not just another token marketed by influencers but an influencer token for the influencer industry built by influencers. This approach is unique and leads to real-life-usage extremely fast.

H: I agree, not all influencers are getting monetized and sad to say that I am one of them. No worries, understandable

Daniel Daboczy: Sad to hear. Unfortunately 97% of the rest of the industry don’t monetize either

H: Influencio is here and I might say, the change will start from here. So let’s move to my 4th question

Q4- Who are your strong competitors in this space and how would you guys stand out from the rest?

Daniel Daboczy: There has been tokens that have been marketed by influencers. We DON’t compete with them lol

There are a few influencer marketing platforms out there but they are built on web 1 or web 2 at best and they miss the major element of INFLUENCIO wich is the 100 million + customers that we target

We stand out from the rest because.

1. We are not building a new social network, but allow the influencers the use their best social network

2. We are well connected in the advertisement world and the influencer world and that gives us a huge advantage and faster go-to market

3. Our partners, crypto advisors and backing VCs have all created several top crypto projects and thus the tokenomics, the contracts and the methods are well tested and well thought trough

4. the timing is NOW. Social media is changing fast, Facebook announced for the first time in 18 years declining user interactions and many believe that the lack of monetization is a major element

5. We are all proven, hard driven entrepreneurs and our track record shows a history of ambitious plans, high level delivery and very good delivery capacity, something that most crypto projects unfortunately struggle with.

H: Competition is pretty normal, but focusing on the goal makes Influencio stands out. 💪

Daniel Daboczy: Only thing we can contol is our own effort. Others can follow us or get inspired by us. Surely some will follow and we expect INFLUENCIO to be their go-to currency also

H: my 5th question is here,

Q5- What achievements do you have from the beginning until now, especially the current project partners on board with Influencio?

Daniel Daboczy: Only thing we can control is our own effort. Others can follow us or get inspired by us. Surely some will follow and we expect INFLUENCIO to be their go-to currency also

We have been very fortunate to connect some of the best VCs, great advisors and great partners in this project so far, and continuously announce new partnerships like with e-gaming organisations, with football managers, with music managements and with crypto tech/and advisory.

Our vast experience and networks open some doors a fair bit easier than if we were novices.

We are most proud about these announcements

H: Wow, that’s huge 😍

Everyone, please check them out 🙏

Part 1 is now over, let us enter segment 2. I’ve collected some questions and picked 6 best. Can we proceed ?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes please. Excited!

🚨 SEGMENT 2🚨 Questions from participants

H: yeah, Did you know that there are almost 2000 questions here in mine ahhaha, been hard choosing the best

Daniel Daboczy: Well yes and no. We do have a few games lined up for the in-game actionables like watch-to-earn and play-to-earn. One of our early games, the cart, has been featured a few times. But only when we truly open the doors we’ll see the final forms. So no major modifiactions have been done but rather we trickle out the info. We expect to have several p2e games before end of Q2

A lot of the challenges is to figure out gaming vs actionables. In game earning will happen on actionables and even if under a game the entire mehtods aims to help micro influencers and their followers to monetize.

H: P2E craze is hot. Excited for Influencio P2E launch, can’t wait to play it 😍

Q2 from @tonjkabroschnjak

Can you also give a sneak peek of what else is coming next?

Daniel Daboczy: We have a ton of features to announce. But first superfocus is the launch on launchpads in mid February and then the Tier1 exchange listings. That is a major priority while we launch our payment distribution on amplification model. The PDAM 🙂

H: I’ll continue to my next since I have more questions here.

Q3 from @alamin311

Does Network currently have plans to cooperate with other NFT projects

Daniel Daboczy: Yes, cooperations are when they are best 1+1=3

Thus cooperations are in our DNA. Most of these announcements will come after mid february.

One avenue that we are looking at is how you can use your NFTs from other platforms in the INFLUENCIO network to have your monetization “follow you” over several platforms. More about this later on.

H: I was asking myself, what arithmetic is 1+1=3, I thought the answer is 11

When I was young, I always heard it. Anyway here is the next question

Daniel Daboczy: Yeah. We use that a lot in tech. If you have good code, good team, and good partners a multiple on the effort made is simple for scalability. We can and will always throw code at problems instead of people thus scalability and the economics of scale from the startup and fintech world are highly applicable

H: Q4 from @vishnevskaya987

The most important aspects that users notice on a platform are security and user interface. How has Your Project dealt with this?

Daniel Daboczy: Actually we just announced that we have earned the ‘Secure’ Score from our Smart-Contract Audit

We used the independent auditing firm,, that examined the Influencio platform’s resistance to cyber attacks, Solidity Smart Contracts for both INFLUENCE and ACTS BEP20 tokens, and its overall platform integrity and long-term sustainability.

The audit performed on Influencio’s platform includes:

1. Full assessment of its security features

2. Solidity smart contract for INFLUENCE tokens

3. ACTS BEP20 tokens

4. Proxy admin and transparent upgradable proxies based on the overall platform integrity and performance

The audit also looked into the following vulnerabilities to prevent token loss presented in the audit overview section as follow:

1. No Critical severity vulnerabilities

2. No High severity vulnerabilities

3. 2 Medium severity vulnerabilities

Read more:

H: The most important above all, the security

Q5 from @khanuzz

Why should investors trust your project not to do the same While many projects rug pulled and exit scam recently

Daniel Daboczy: The best question. First of all please look at our track record. We are multiple awarded CEOs and entrepreneurs.

We have succeeded several times before and we have “done the impossible” many times.

The lockup of LPs, VCs, Management and team is super long, that can be seen as our long term ambition

But most importantly is that most rug pulls tend to promise something golden, then do pre-sales to aim to raise funds and then they run. We are well funded by some of the industry’s best investors and partners

We are very transparent and put our brand names, fortunes and reputation behind everything we do and more here as we see a crypto project that can and will have a massive impact on hundreds of millions of people

But be aware. Please check all projects you invest in or join. Make sure you trust the team and the ambition. Also here. We really only want investors, partners and customers that know that great projects take time and that great currencies don’t launch overnight.

We are long term people and that is also a differentiator from many entrepreneurs, where most give up after a few early obstacles while we are not afraid to pivot if data shows that pivot needed

To summarize. We are well known, respected and awarded entrepreneurs and we would never risk our brands or reputations for a scam or rug pul. If we would do scams than we can use the stock market lol, where scams are very common lol

H: Thank you. Just an advice for everyone, Always follow the golden rule: DYOR and Risk what you can afford to lose. last question before the 3rd segment

Q6 from @sahilmiyana

Do have any plans to have partnerships with mainstream businesses

Daniel Daboczy: OF course. Most advertisement agencies are web 2 and mainstream. Same goes with management companies and the entertainment industry. We will help them come into web 3 with Influencio, by them buying INFLUENCIOS to pay influencers and by the Influencer industry stopping to create content for free when they can easily monetize

H: Thank you so much Daniel for your excellent answers

due to some urgency, @danieldaboczy will have to leave us but no worries. @Malcolm is here for the last segment

Daniel Daboczy: Thank you so much. Love to see how this community has grown in so little time and how passionate you all are. We are just getting started and we love your dedication! 🙏♥️🚀

Have a great Sunday!

H: Thank you so much and take care

Part 2 is now over, let us enter the last segment where all users will send their questions and our guest will pick the best 5. I’ll be opening the chat group and you have 1 minute to send your questions. Are you guys ready ?

🚨 SEGMENT 3 🚨 Best 5 Questions from the Audience:

Malcolm Tan: hi guys, glad to be here!

H: Hi Malcolm, before I open the chat, please introduce yourself 🙏

Malcolm Tan: hi everyone

I am the influencio Project’s Chief Advisor. I have been im the crypto and blockchain space since late 2017 and advised and did ico projects for over 100 such projects

I cover a global market and we have clients from all the over the world. Our technicorum group is going for a listing on the public markets this year as well and an investment bank recently invested in our group setting our valuation at usd 120m

At influencio, we firmly believe that we have a lot of the right elements to accomplish something big and hopefully become a decacorn

H: Amazing, You’re rocking the blockchain world.

Are you guys ready?????

Chat group is opening 5 4 3 2 1……..

Drop all your questions now

Q1 @drwn999: Do you have a cross chain feature? Can you explain it? How can you say that this is a self sustaining project?

Malcolm Tan: not yet. We are currently building our tokens on bep20 standard, and are evaluating various chains for our blockchain elements as several protocols want us to use their chains, so yes — bridges will certainly exist. we should be revenue generating almost from the outset as our creator dashboard will be up very soon and be revenue generating

Q2 @realrachel: So it is sure that Influencio tokens will be under the BSC?

Malcolm Tan: yes both INFLUENCE and ACTS tokens will be bep20 standard to start

Q3: @kkcckckc

Did i read it right that you will have a kart racing game? Don’t you think it will be too common?

Malcolm Tan: yes. Not common at all — we are the only karting p2e gane to come out in the market and it will be more fun than traditional karting games like mario kart

Q4 @Kiannenay: Are you going to need an exchange in order to provide your service

Malcolm Tan: we will also do an ido and list on cex’s

Q5 @irvinoo9: Can i have more details about the Funds you have raised during the first 2 rounds or token sale?

Malcolm Tan: we are oversubscribed. First 2 rounds raised 3m usd

Q6 @UzZarraf: From my experience before. Falling of token because of unlimited supply. Is there a burning mechanism of token does influencio have?

Malcolm Tan: a close comparison is the SLP from axie infinity, which certainly isn’t failing. As long as there is utility, our ACTS tokens will not “fail”

Q7 Kim Molino: Why are Non-Fungible Tokens still not reaching their full potential on the Ethereum network and how do you aim to remove obstacles to reaching their real uses

Malcolm Tan: not really up to us. Our project’s NFTs are on BEP1155, and not on the ethereum mainnet, so this question is irrelevant

Q8 Kim Molino: Can you please summarize the incentives for readers to participate in an ICO

Malcolm Tan: Gamefi, Socialfi and Metaverse participant. Democratise these utility systems and use our web 3.0 solutions instead of web 2.0 systems like facebook and instagram etc

Q9 @watsili: How can you make sure this project will stay for the long term?

Malcolm Tan: we have a strong team and vision and a good roadmap

Q10 Kim Molino: Do you have any strategies for continuous increase in coin price

Malcolm Tan: increasing utility constantly, and there is a burn function in the token smart contract

Q11 Donna Yhu: Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party

Malcolm Tan: thats why we outsourced a 3rd party audit to a reputable firm

Q12 Donna Yhu:Explain your plans on global expansion,is it only market you are focusing All the time,And you focus on building or developing and getting customers and users, or partnerships

Malcolm Tan: constant global outreach. Currently strongest in europe and south america, but will also expand quickly to north america, southeast asia, and north asia

Q13 James Reds: What are your solutions to make NFTs a truly vital part of the DeFi economy

Malcolm Tan: each influencer will have nfts, fans can buy nfts for the ecosystem, and nfts are used for oir gamefi, socialfi and metaverse use cases

Q14 James Reds: Last AMA I asked if there was going to be a treasury. You guys answered yes. Who will have access to that treasury?

Malcolm Tan: the founding team will be running things centrally for a year, then democratise things by making the platform a dao with the INFLUENCE tokens governing the ecosystem

Q15 James Reds: When will the remaining unsold land be sold and in what form?

Malcolm Tan: ust like other metaverses and real world real estate, nft worlds and land are available to be bought/flipped anytime

Q16 Ninja Queen: How will you be compensating players who have had to deal with game breaking lag for the last few weeks?

Malcolm Tan: irrelevant question. we havent been operating our game yet — perhaps you are talking about another project

Q17 @matthy1: How can you make sure that there will be a fair platform for the influencers? I think i read somewhere that your platform has a ranking

Malcolm Tan: influencers have a clear set of rules governing their influence growth

Q18 @matthy1: I thought this was built even for small influencers

Malcolm Tan: yes this allows access to all skill levels and micro influencers as well

Q19 @Pcstone: Do you think your IDO will be a success? How many percentage is the success rate of IDO?

Malcolm Tan: should be a ‘success’, sure. Since we have a lot of fomo and very little external token supply

Q20 @UzZarraf: What will be the use of ACTS token?

Malcolm Tan: please read our white paper and litepaper. It is the utility and payment token for our socialfi and gamefi elements

Q21 @kimrish19: For those who are new in crypto,

how will you give them a simple introduction of project and how it will work?

Malcolm Tan: It is like any other social media network like facebook, instagram, tik tok etc, but you can also interact with each other and kol’s/influencers in the metaverse through your avatars and also play games and earn from social interactions

Q22 @majestyprey69: Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project/company. How have you been able to build a complete project and what is the way to generate profit/revenue of the token?what is the income model?

Malcolm Tan: yes revenues from merch, content, socialfi, gamefi, metaverse, nft sales, auctions

H: All questions have been answered 😁

Congratulations to the first chosen 5🥳🥳

AMA session is now Over! I would like to thank everyone from Influencio community for participating and for being very active throughout the session. Thanks for the excellent answers Daniel, @MalcTHPL and @fatihakim . We are so honored to have you here tonight, do you have any last message to everyone?

Fati Hakim: Thx guys for having us 🙏🏼🚀🚀🚀 you are amazing!!!

H: Everyone, Be sure to follow us on our social channels not to miss our exciting announcements




An Influencer platform by Influencers, for Influencers.