10 min readJan 20, 2022


Date: 18 Jan 2022 (Tue)

Time: 12pm, UTC


Daniel Daboczy, CEO, @danieldaboczy

Malcolm Tan, Chief Strategic Advisor, @MalcTHPL

Fati Hakim, Advisor Board Member, Project Manager, @fatihakim

💰Total Reward pool: $100


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📨For More Information:

🌐Influencio Official Website:

🌐Influencio TG: @influencio

🌐Influencio Twitter:

Part 1️⃣: Introduction

We will let the guests share basic information about the projects and their respective backgrounds

Ben Cheung: Welcome @danieldaboczy @MalcTHPL @fatihakim from @influencio😎😎

Malcolm Tan: Thanks Ben! great to be here!

Daniel Daboczy: hello everyone, so exciting

Fati Hakim: Thanks 🙏 excited to be here

Ben Cheung: Could you please briefly introduce yourself 🤣

Daniel Daboczy: Hello everyone. Daniel Daboczy, CEO of INFLUENCIO here. My background is in Fintech for the last 15 years. I started, led, and ran one of Europe’s fastest-growing equity crowdfunding portals for 10 years. From the idea, we took it all the way to list on the stock market. I have been in crypto since 2015 when we helped Safello raise funds via crypto and I am also one of the suckers who sold a BTC at 1700USd hehe. I am based in Stockholm/Singapore and together with the team, I can boldly say that we are one of the world's best crypto advisory firms.

Fati Hakim: I am Fati Hakim, part of the advisory board and project manager of Influencio. In the industry since 2014 and advised and consulted a bunch of different projects in the area.

Malcolm Tan: I’m the Chief Strategic Advisor of the Technicorum Group, based in Singapore. I’ve been an advisor for over a hundred projects over the last 4 years and started in the blockchain/cryptocurrency industry in late 2017. I’ve been a keynote and panel speaker/moderator at numerous blockchain/crypto industry events and conferences during this time. I’m advising the Influencio project with my knowledge and expertise in this space, and am one of the early seed investors

Ben Cheung: nice to have you all here !

Malcolm Tan: thanks Ben! Glad to be here, and to speak with everyone!

Ben Cheung: Q1 So could you tell us that is Influencio? how does it work and what is its ecosystem?

Daniel Daboczy: Sure, INFLUENCIO is a new SocialFi network for amplification via influencers, micro-influencers and their followers. INFLUENCIO is the world’s first attempt to create amplification methods focused on micro-influencers and ensuring monetization for them. The founding team is made up of the top influencers in our regions and at launch we have over 200 signed influencer partners and several major advertisement companies. The INFLUENCE token is aimed to have 3 major use bases. 1. The go-to payment method for the global influencer market 2. In platform advertisement and profit distribution 3. play-to-earn segment.

Ben Cheung:

Q2: Sounds exciting, I think we can understand that this enables a huge opportunity for Influencers, can you tell us more about how users can be benefited from the platform?

Malcolm Tan: Influencio’s current roadmap is to introduce a fun Play-To-Earn Gamefi model for Influencers’ and KOLs’ fans to interact with their idols and still earn from these interactions (SocialFi), and in the future roadmap to have a full Metaverse ecosystem where everyone can interact with each other and more games and other things to do in the Metaverse will be provided

AK: “INFLUENCIO” is also a great choice for a name.

Daniel Daboczy: Yes both for influencers and micro-influencers and their followers. 97% of the influencers of the world don’t make any money today and 100% of micro-influencers don't make money today on their engagement or amplification. This is changing and we will lead this global change.

Malcolm Tan: Fans and users in the platform and Metaverse can also make money by supporting their idols through gaming and social interactions, and not to mention, making investments in the Metaverse provided through DeFi elements as well

AK: I am really excited about this

Ben Cheung:

Q3: sounds great, I am sure both fans and influencers enjoy a lot from it! I know that Influencio offers a dual token setup, what are the tokens offered?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes, we too and the influencers are especially excited. We aim to target hundreds of millions of regular people/micro-influencers rather than the few at the top that everyone chases.

Malcolm Tan: The tokens offered are the Influencio Governance token INFLUENCE, and the ACTS tokens which are generated through GameFi and SocialFi elements. you can earn ACTS by completing social interactions with others in the ecosystem and supporting your idols, and also by participating in the games introduced in the platform (starting with a very fun racing game), through winning contests and races. both INFLUENCE and ACTS tokens will be offered on token launchpads soon, as well as on DEXes and top tier centralized exchanges

Ben Cheung: we will definitely stay tuned for that !😎

Q4: given the nature of INFLUENCIO project, I believe partnership development is essential for further development, what do you aim to achieve from this?

Daniel Daboczy: Absolutely. We have already signed partnerships with influencers of course, ad agencies, crypto agencies, etc. Partnerships are the best ways for growth. We announced a few days ago our major partnership with PLUTUS VC The team behind this important partnership is very very well experienced in the field.

Malcolm Tan: We also have major Metaverse partnerships that will be announced very soon, and usually it takes 2–3 years for Metaverses to be created and offered, but Influencio will be able to do so very quickly through these major partnerships — keep a lookout for these!

Ben Cheung: looking forward to it! 😁

Daniel Daboczy: Yes, this is one of the most exciting things we are engaged in right now and the metaverse chats really forward our industry!

Ben Cheung: Don’t forget to follow Influencio social media for their most recent udpate😎

Official Website:





Part 2️⃣: Twitter Questions $10/ 5 users

Ben Cheung: Q1.

Many companies just run their project and just keep focusing on the price of the token and also their tokens are not useful. Can Influencio also give real value to the community and everything?

Daniel Daboczy: Well we first focus on the platform and the networks (DAOs) and surrounding usage before we talk about the INFLUENCIOs (the tokens). Good projects show real-life use cases and so are we. Targeting hundreds of millions of clients/users is a key differentiator and shows the scale and potential. The tokens are connected to these volumes, transactions and in platform/in-game actionables

We are long-term crypto consultants and have seen the quick in-and-out project so far and we are quite proud to be different and long-term. The networks and investors should really do their homework and see who is behind the project and I am quite assured that this will create a wow feeling hehe. Our real value is very clear.

Malcolm Tan: At Influencio, we are building a community that will keep interacting with the ecosystem and provides enduring value. Millennials and youngsters all want to be influencers and many are looking to make side-gigs from influencer/KOL gigs, and spend a lot of time getting entertainment from social media. GameFi and SocialFi elements will keep users engaged and immersed in the ecosystem, and with the introduction of Metaverse elements in the roadmap, more and more people will be involved in this new and exciting ecosystem where they can interact with each other from all over the world, and also listen to their idols and engage with them and consume content from them

Daniel Daboczy: We target hundreds of millions of people that currently are on social media and we offer them a tool for monetization and at the same time create better tools for influencer marketing/amplification.

Ben Cheung: yes, we have seen a lot of projects of this kind as well ~~

I believe you as the pioneer to disrupt the influencer market which is huge nowadays would be in giant in long term as well 🚀


Do you have any plan for burning the token in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?

Ben Cheung: this is a good question!

Malcolm Tan: Our tokenomics include a deflationary model automatically as a small percentage will be automatically burned as they are used, which results in a reduction in supply and increases the INFLUENCE token’s investment attractiveness

Daniel Daboczy: Yes. In our tokenomics all related mechanisms are presented Also please look at our Litebook/Gitbook here

AK: I am definitely checking that out. 👍

That is the amazing part of it all. You guys are just getting started. 😃

Ben Cheung: our members will surely check it out 👍


Hello, I want to know if the token holders have the right to participate in the governance? Which type of decisions can they vote on about Influencio?

Malcolm Tan: INFLUENCE Governance token holders can use their tokens to make proposals and to vote on proposals to decide on the development path and major decisions of the project

Daniel Daboczy: Great question. As with every good long-term crypto project, our DAO or networks is very important. Especially since we want to engage most of the world’s population that is on social media. Thus creating the correct setup for a DAO to grow is key and elemental and surely several in that network will be invited or accessed for governance onwards. True decentralization is not something built overnight but we have the right mindset and setup allowing the growth and engagement of the token holders’ passion.

Ben Cheung: 100% agree that DAO is the future of crypto 💪

AK: That is some great concept.

Ben Cheung:


Do you have some plans to spread the awareness about Influencio in different countries like where English isn’t used? Do you have local communities like India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, etc so they can also better understand Influencio?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes and YES

INFLUENCIO is influencer in Spanish and 1 billion people speak Spanish. So that in itself shows how we aim to be truly global from day one.

Malcolm Tan: We already have advertising agencies involved with influencers from markets like Korea and Vietnam and are in the process of translating and localizing the Influencio ecosystem and offering to those countries, and will do so for all other major markets in the future as well

Daniel Daboczy: We start with English as a base but our partners and joined influencers are Asian, European and so much more.

Ben Cheung: yes especially you guys are partnering with Influencers!

Daniel Daboczy: Exactly and as of today influencers from 20+ countries have joined alongside KOLs in our selected geographies

AK: Organic growth.

Malcolm Tan: We have also recently done AMAs for the Indonesian and Vietnamese communities as well and the results (Questions and Answers) can already be viewed online

Ben Cheung: #10XCLUBMEMBERS please prepare your questions for Q&A session 😎

last question from Twitter

Partnerships are a very important part of success in crypto — could you tell something about the partners of Influencio Coin and how will you benefit from such cooperations?

Ben Cheung: I guess this question is briefly covered in the intro session but could you let us know more in detail

Malcolm Tan: Our Metaverse partnerships will allow the Metaverse ecosystem of Influencio to be offered very quickly with developed and tested technology, and already onboarded MAJOR influencers and KOLs with those partners will give a massive boost to the Influencio ecosystem

Daniel Daboczy: Yes, the question was answered above. But to clarify we have and are signing partnerships in the worlds of crypto, ads, influencers, metaverse, play-to-earn, tech, etc as of now.

Malcolm Tan: Our Gaming partnership with a leading Gaming Studio will allow our GameFi and Play to Earn elements to be offered within 2022, with a fun initial game for players and fans of influencers to be engaged with the Influencio ecosystem whilst interacting with their idols

Ben Cheung: Part 3️⃣: Telegram Q&A

Daniel Daboczy: Cool, Love the great energy! LOVE IT!

Q1 from @rshifflett_1: Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?

Daniel Daboczy: Very good question. No doubt that NFTs are key onwards. Funny enough I originally come from the contemporary art field so NFTs are in my DNA. But for Influencio hybrid NFTs will be used for amplification purposes by engaging followers in play-to-earn actionables

Q2 from @GeneviveSs: Why did you choose Binance Smart chain? we see some chain pop up with good scalability too, then why did you choose BSC?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes, that is correct. We also monitor the most relevant chains and are in talks with several upcomers. For now, BSC is the best chain for our purposes but we surely will launch the INFLUENCIO token on several chains and also build to prepare for evolution in this high-paced environment

Q3 from @mmalineger: Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contract address and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?

Daniel Daboczy: Keep your eyes on our social channels or our website for updates. We will launch in mid-February.

Q4 from @oree_Dewey: I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosystem periodically and also invite developers to build?

Daniel Daboczy: For now we only use internal load tests and have performed audits. We do invite the network to help us and flag potential issues. So thank you for a great suggestion

Q5 from @sook_coyle: What is PROJECT’s revenue model? In which ways do you generate revenue/profit?

Daniel Daboczy: Great question. Ad revenue is the key metric in influencer marketing/amplification. From a mere $1.7 billion in 2016, influencer marketing is estimated to have grown to have a market size of $9.7 billion in 2020. This is expected to jump to $13.8 billion in 2021. so some parts of that revenue will land in our accounts and then be distributed to the networks and their followers 😉.

Ben Cheung: nice to have you guys here today @danieldaboczy @MalcTHPL @fatihakim 😊

Malcolm Tan: 😀👍 Thanks very much, Ben and the 10x Club community for having us here!

AK — It was a great one. 😊

Honored to be a witness to history in the making

Daniel Daboczy: Thank you. Great energy and a great group! Have a great week, month and year. 2022 is OUR year, right?

Ben Cheung: 2022 is the new year and chapter for the Influencer industry!

Fati Hakim: thanks guys, great AMA, great community, great hosts 🙏🚀🚀🚀

📨For More Information:

🌐Influencio Official Website:

🌐Influencio TG: @influencio

🌐Influencio Twitter:




An Influencer platform by Influencers, for Influencers.