8 min readJan 18, 2022


Date: 14 Jan 2022
Time: 2PM UTC

🎙We are really excited to have this AMA with :

Daniel Daboczy — CEO

Malcolm Tan — Chief Strategic Advisor

Fati Hakim — Advisor Board Member/Project Manager

⚡️ There will be 3 Segments in the AMA:

🔺Segment 1: Introduction about the project

🔺Segment 2: We will pick 5 best questions from our members

🔺Segment 3: Live Session (Q&A) with our members

🔺Segment 1: Introduction about the project

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Can you introduce yourself to the CryptoNesia community and the story behind creating Influencio?

Daniel Daboczy: My name is Daniel Daboczy, born in Transylvania and living in Sweden since 1989 (44 years old). I have been a serial entrepreneur and investor since 2008 and sold my first BTC in 2017 for 1700 USD (don’t laugh).

I used to run an equity crowdfunding company in Europe. From idea to listed on the stock market.

And I saw the power of influencer marketing and amplification. That led to the idea to build a proper tool for amplification via influencers, micro influencers and their followers. Huge industry that is underserved and where blockchain and crypto can make a huge difference.

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Thank you for your brief introduction. Can you briefly describe what is Influencio to us?

Daniel Daboczy: INFLUENCIO is a crypto and blockchain based amplification tool via influencers. With dynamic NFTs and play-to-earn (P2E) segments. It’s built by influencers for influencers with the help of Technicorum from Singapore and with some of the heaviest people in the Fintech and VC industry.

INFLUENCIO is also a movement to help people monetize their online content creation and engagement. As of today 97% of top influencers do not monetize and 100% of micro influencers don’t monetize. At the same time the advertisement industry REALLY wants and needs tools to reach and work with micro influencers

Read this on Paid ads vs Influencer marketing

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Thank you for sharing this article with us here. Can you explain to us, what makes Influencio different from other competitors?

Daniel Daboczy: Well, many have tried and many have failed because they either don’t understand influencers, or advertiser or tech and surely don’t understand fintech and crypto.

INFLUENCIO attach the issue from a different angle. Not only do we have a reach of over 50million already but also hundreds of influencers as partners and then one of the worlds best crypto advisory firms and then a whole team of over 50 people now engaged. In addition Plutus VC as investor partner, but as a tool the major difference is that we focus on the neglected goldmine of micro influencers. Their capacity for amplification of messages is far better than paid ads or superstar influencer marketing.

Daniel Daboczy: We are already connected to the advertiser industry, we are already connected to influencers and we are at the same time experienced company builders and long term people (my last CEO gig lasted 10+)

Fati Hakim:

Daniel Daboczy: These and a few more edges makes us different perhaps better and surely more effective. Details in depth in our LiteBook here

Amanda | CryptoNesia: I think the project has great advantages. Good job for that :) What are the major milestones Influencio has achieved so far?

Daniel Daboczy: Many. Closed a major round from prominent VCs, onboarded hundreds of influencers, onboarded 20+ advertisement agencies, onboarded several management agencies, grown the team to +50, presented our LitePaper, defined the Tokenomics, started the INFLUENCIO dashboard, closed collabs with strong advisors and partners, actually already started having revenue, already have customers chasing us for our services etc etc so much more.

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Thank you for the answer, last question before we move to Twitter Segment. What are your further plans for Influencio that you can share with us here?

Daniel Daboczy: We are now super focused on the token launch mid February 2022 (soon)

We are also very engaged in launching the MVP or BETA of the platform while at the same time working on engaging influencers globally. Remember that everyone is invited to join. In addition choosing the right launchpads and exchanges to list is a major focus for our team. But mostly we focus on the long-term tool and platform as the INFLUENCIO token is for the community and the influencers and their followers.

As you can see we are different from other crypto projects who only focus on the IDO or token launch. For us the token launch is important but it’s also only day one in the public environment, while the company has at least a 2–5 year focus. Establishing the right play-to-earn methods is a major challenge that we also focus on, to make sure that the followers of influencers can help amplify and thus monetize. I can also share that we are about to announce some 3–4 major PMs in the next weeks. And I bet that the market will applaud those moves.

🔺Segment 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members

Q1. From @AlanTurine

Can you mention some killing features of your Influencio Coin project? Why your Influencio Coin project is the best project to invest for new users and how can they invest on your Influencio Coin project?

Daniel Daboczy: Killing features are the dynamic NFTs, the gamified elements of the play-to-earn segment and of course the in-platform purchase power of an Influencio. I would never give investment advice so if you want to buy tokens has to be your own choice (read on the project and the people behind it) but since the founders, VCs and management have massive experience and of course 12 month lockup the stability of the project is almost guaranteed. We aim to launch mid Feb and until then its best to sign up asap for killer deals on the website

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Thank you for your answer.

Q2. From @KunObocchama

Are you planning a strategic partnership to level up your project?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes. We already have several strategic partnerships and quite a few more on the way or in discussions. Strategic collaborations and engaging the right partners while building the best DAO or community are key elements for any company, especially a crypto based influencer marketing company. Historically we all have seen the benefits of generous engagement with the right partners for growth of the token, the platform and the company. So I would say that strategic partnerships are in our DNA.

Q3. From @MinhAn93365485

What can we expect in the near and long term from this project?

Daniel Daboczy: You can expect INFLUENCIO to be the most awesome project of 2022! 🙂 Short term focus on our token launch and listings from mid February and onwards. Expect to see major announcements, great revenue announcements and progress, since many of us in the team have worked on stock market listed companies, we tend to be extra transparent and clear, and you can expect that also onwards. We also intend to launch the Beta during Q2 and that is something that all of you, besides your potential interest in the token, can look forwards to as that is a great way to monetize.

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Two more questions left before we move to the live AMA.

Q4. From @finomsd

NFTs have become a major player of Blockchain ecosystem this 2021- will your project take them into consideration? Have you developed any technology empowering NFT applications?

Daniel Daboczy: Absolutely. Not only we’re engaged in several NFT art projects (my original background before 2009 was as a contemporary art curator) but we have built dynamic and hybrid NFTs for several clients. So NFTs and dynamic NFTs are part of the plan. I can share this: we will offer each joined, verified and approved influencer and microinfluencer 10+ NFTs or avatars in their likeness. These are dynamic and connected to P2E elements, So their followers can perform certain amplification tasks and that evolve the NFTs and also thus share in the monetization.

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Last Question before the live AMA.

Q5. From @LMinhAn13592263

The hard reality is that some projects remain half way because their developers abandon the concept because they cannot achieve the desired capitalization in the long term; how do you plan to make this project sustainable for its development?

Daniel Daboczy: That is so true. That is because most are focused on the IDO and that fundraising. We are way past that point, all pre-allocation is completed and as stated before we don’t only focus on the token but on the long term plans for the company, tools and thus the token and the crypto elements. We also are aware and experienced in company growth, so we know that we’ll face challenges and how to solve them. But the “guarantee” you have on the long-term solidity of the project is by checking out who is behind it. None of us are short-term people.

Regarding capitalization not only we have PlutusVC and some others but I personally have helped fund over 650 companies with the platform I created before this, and raised over 85M USD to them, so capitalization is not our biggest concern. We are more focused on creating something solid as the tool is expected, needed and well perceived. The community building or DAO is our largest focus and we know that we are bigger together and thus will engage many of you.

🔺Segment 3: Live Session (Q&A) with our members


Do you have a whitepaper? if yes please share it with us and secondly are you working to AUDIT your project, to make its security more secure and reliable?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes. LiteBook is presented here

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Second question


The crypto industry is a fast-paced industry, how flexible is your Project to change quickly and keep pace with technology trends? What is your long-term vision for the forecasting industry in which the your Project project operates?

Daniel Daboczy: Haha. Extremely fast paced. No one knows this better than us. We are extremely well prepared for all changes and remember that we are the ones that see changes and trends way before others.

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Third question


Regarding the safety and security of your platform what are the security measures adopted and have you done any audit of smart contracts?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes. Our team has performed several and historically our contracts have had extreme stability

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Forth question

@choosingmesd Where i can get all the latest news about ? Do you have Twitter/Telegram/Discord community? If yes can you share the link here because there is a lot of fake telegram/twitter groups?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes. Go to and follow our channels. We keep them very active

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Fifth question

@ShaunteHansen For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s development Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

Daniel Daboczy: Yes. We are very well funded by top crypto industry VCs

Daniel Daboczy: Thank you. I am overwhelmed by the response and love. Thank you and keep your eyes on our channels until mid February

Amanda | CryptoNesia: Thank you @danieldaboczy, @MalcTHPL & @fatihakim You have answered all our questions from two segments, and picked 5 best questions in the last segment. You are free to answer more questions if you want. If not, then we will close this AMA.

But, before we close this AMA. is there anything you want to say to our community or share with us? Maybe some important news and update?

Fati Hakim:

Daniel Daboczy: Thank you all. Yes. We want to share todays announcement and details on our tokenomics here! Have a great weekend!




An Influencer platform by Influencers, for Influencers.