A Brief Discussion on Six Treatments for Skin Cancer

Annandale General Practice
3 min readOct 16, 2018


With the incidence of skin cancer proliferating at a considerable speed, a large number of individuals are thoroughly scanning the internet to procure information about its types, stages, symptoms, and prevention. This particular write-up however explores the varied treatment options currently available for the said ailment. Starting from topical medications to radiation therapy, the choice generally depends upon size, location, and characteristics of the tumour along with overall wellbeing of the patient in concern. For details, readers are requested to buy some time and take a close look at the below-mentioned pointers.

· Topical Medications

According to specialists of renowned Camperdown medical centre, certain creams, lotions, and gels are effective for curing basal cell carcinomas with superficial presence. These contain imiquimod that compels immune system to generate interferon and fluorouracil (5-FU) — both can attack and kill cancer cells in absolutely no time. Redness, irritation, and inflammation are common side-effects.

· EDC or Electrodesiccation and curettage

Local anaesthesia is first used for numbing the affected area. It is then continuously scraped with a curette as well as cauterised using an electric spine. While a person might be scarred for life, this particular method has managed to acquire widespread popularity because of being simple, fast, and relatively cheap.

· Radiation Therapy

The experts of top Skin Care Clinic in Camperdown have said that radiation therapy is beneficial for patients who are either afraid or not ideal for any sort of surgical procedure. Although incredibly expensive, this treatment more or less guarantees to shrink the tumour within just 10 to 15 sessions. A few possible reactions include:

- Formation of blisters

- Skin peeling and discolouration

- Loss of hair

- Damage to teeth and salivary glands

- Nausea

- Fatigue

· Mohs Surgery

The visible tumour is removed and remaining tissue is cautiously examined beneath a microscope. Areas displaying residues of tumour are again operated and margins further evaluated. Well, the process is conducted for many times until no tumour could be seen. Obviously a tad bit complicated, Mohs surgery virtually eliminates all chances of cancer reappearance. Now isn’t that simply amazing?

· Surgical Excision

The tumour along with some tissue is extracted out surgically and edges are closed with sutures. If the gap created is too big, patients might need to undertake flaps or skin grafting. According to highly proficient and adequately experienced doctors of Darlington, surgical excision is preferred by many as the cure rate is about 90% or more.

· PDT or Photodynamic Therapy

This technique is also gaining much acknowledgement in the recent times. Here drugs along with blue light of high frequencies are used to destroy cancerous cells. Deep seated tumours however cannot be cured through PDT as the light used cannot penetrate much.

Now that the readers are aware of the diverse skin cancer treatments, they can consult with a healthcare professional and choose one most suited to their needs.

