4 Signs that Indicate You Need Psychological Counselling

Jonathan Hoban
2 min readSep 3, 2018

Everyone has to deal with stress, sadness, anger, and grief. It’s just a part of our life. The real complication arises when someone finds it difficult to cope with their emotional challenges. In a situation like this, it is always recommended to hire a professional therapist. They help clients to improve their coping mechanism and enable them to deal with their emotional challenges in a hassle-free way.

Everyone one experiences negative emotions from time to time. Due to this reason, it often becomes difficult for individuals to figure out when they actually need professional help to deal with specific life challenges. In this post we will reveal the four signs that will help people to understand, it’s time to seek a professional therapist.

1. Insomnia or a Loss of Appetite

Eating and sleeping disorders indicate that you are mentally and emotionally upset. If you are suffering from any cognitive issue, then you will constantly feel tired and also trouble to sleep every night. In addition, you will also experience loss of appetite. Few people also experience that their appetite has just increased and they can’t stop eating.

The symptoms mentioned above indicate that a person is not emotionally doing well. In a situation like this, they should visit a therapist who offers counselling in London, as well as in the other English cities.

2. Lost Interest in Work

Many people often experience that they are no longer interested in their job. As a result, their productivity level and efficiency suddenly gets dropped. This is a prominent sign that indicates that one needs to avail professional counselling services.

3. Feeling Sad or Angry

Uncontrollable sadness, hopelessness and anger may also be a sign of mental health issues. In case if you are feeling “off” for a long period of time, then it will create a deep impact on the quality of your life. In a situation like this, you should consider reaching out for professional help.

4. If You Have Lost Something or Someone

Many people seek professional help when facing significant life challenges such as the death of a loved one, significant breakup, divorce etc. In a situation like this, you can opt for counselling in Bishopsgate, as well as in the other areas according to your preference.

So, these are the four signs that indicate individuals need professional counselling services in order to deal with their significant life challenges. Before hiring a professional, check his/her credential and the remuneration of the therapist. Checking these two things will help you to make a smart hiring decision.

So, this is all for now. For any related question regarding psychotherapy or counselling, feel free to use the comment box below.



Jonathan Hoban

Jonathan Hoban, best psychotherapist offering online therapy sessions via Skype. For psychotherapy & counseling services in Central London please contact me