“Art Brut”

3 min readSep 18, 2023


Curated by @0xMLow.

September 20th


Info: Edition, @foundation

Text by MLow:

Step into “Art Brut”, where age-old artistic expression dances seamlessly with today’s digital heartbeat. Brutal.Eth invites us on a captivating journey that merges the organic essence of Jean Dubuffet’s legacy with today’s pixel-powered universe. Look closely, and you’re entangled in a complex mosaic of symbols: smiley faces, digital codes, and everyday keyboard markers, masterfully intertwined with abstract designs echoing Dubuffet’s distinct flair. But, don’t be mistaken; this isn’t algorithmic creation. Each artwork pulses with Brutal.Eth’s personal touch, originating from hand-drawn sketches and maturing through tireless digital crafting on a standard iMac using Photoshop tools. While Brutal.Eth’s passion for the modern medium is evident, the heart of “Art Brut” lies in honoring unfiltered, untamed, and pure artistic expression. This collection not only nods to Dubuffet’s renowned art movement but also mirrors Brutal.Eth’s evolving art trajectory — from creating graffiti-inspired visuals in physical spaces to simulating computer-esque chromatic wonders. “Art Brut” is a tale of adaptation and consistency. It reflects Brutal.Eth’s expansive art voyage, traversing through time-tested techniques like stencil work, airbrush, and conventional painting to the pioneering arenas of web3. The collection establishes a riveting discourse between manual artistry and digital finesse, underscoring the artist’s allegiance to both adaptation and tribute. Embark on this immersive experience where yesteryear’s “Art Brut” acquires a rejuvenated, digital soul. Step into Brutal.Eth’s realm and be swayed by the harmonious blend of time-honored traditions and the beckoning of a digital dawn.

“Art Brut” 2023. 4646x6000 Pixel



Emojis, Ascii, keyboard or computer symbols, Photoshop brushes are modified to recreate an abstract language in my artworks.

The origin of the works:



BrutalEth Studio:

