“Elements” by Brutal.Eth

2 min readAug 28, 2023


Curated by Flannel Capital



Welcome to “Elements”, a thought-provoking exhibition that explores the essence of creation and its transformation in our ever-evolving digital landscape. Through the works of BrutalEth, this series navigates the intersection of traditional abstract artistic concepts with the contemporary language of our digital age. This series merges classic abstract expressionist principles with a vibrant array of digitally-native components — computer symbols, folders, emojis, and Photoshop textures and brushes. As you engage with these pieces, a dynamic dialogue emerges between the time-honored and the technologically advanced, creating a harmonious bridge between the tangible and the virtual. While the these artworks may suggest the aesthetic of generative art, it is important to note that each piece within this series is meticulously crafted by hand. Throughout “Elements,” the recurring digital motifs are arranged in varied compositions, akin to the arrangement of atoms in complex molecules or letters arranged to create unique words. These visual elements serve as the artistic building blocks of a developing digitally-native visual language. This exhibition will unfold in multiple phases, exemplifying the artist’s dedication to ongoing experimentation and evolution. In “Elements,” BrutalEth makes an important contribution to the ongoing discourse surrounding abstract art’s evolution within our digital era. The exhibition sparks conversations about the merging of traditional artistic concepts with digital elements, the integration of digital tools into manual craftsmanship, and the emergence of a new visual vernacular that reflects the ever-increasing digital influence on art and society.

Flannel Capital August 2023

Collection FND:



Exhibition, Oncyber:



Airdrop (Block #1 to #10) https://foundation.app/collection/eles

Airdrop (Block #11 to #20) https://foundation.app/collection/eles

