Everything You Wanted to Know About Lightroom Presets

Photographer Studio
2 min readJul 26, 2019


It’s not only the photographers who possess digital photo editing tools.

No matter if it’s a traveler, a housewife or an entrepreneur, people from every walk of life use photo editing tools to enhance their images.

However, most people are only familiar with basic tools like setting brightness or contrast or cropping the images.

Many tools can make your images attractive without consuming your time and efforts. And Lightroom Presets is one of them.

Read on here how this tool can help you give a “WOW” factor to your images.

What is Lightroom Presets?

A Lightroom Preset is a pre-determined position that you apply to each of your images to get a consistent look. Simply put, a photo can be edited with your desired settings, and then it can be used for other photos to be edited in the future. This way, you don’t need to edit each photo manually. Just set your desired settings with Lightroom Presets.

How to Use Lightroom Presets?

Well, it depends on the lighting situation of how and where the image was captured. You can make small tweaks like tone down the exposure, and maybe even balance the temperature bar. Make sure to capture your images in natural light. Find a shaded area if you are in the excessive sun. If you are in dark, try to shoot close to the window to get more brightness.

Where to Get Lightroom Presets?

Lightroom Presets is available as both mobile and desktop version. Good thing is that there are many free Lightroom Presets apps to choose from. However, the desktop version is usually paid.

Hope this brief information has made you familiar with useful photo enhancing tools like Lightroom Presets. What do you think? Please let me know by commenting below.

