The Link of RankBrain to UX and SEO: A Refresher


In 2015, Google introduced RankBrain, a brand new algorithm that is designed to track search results and understand search queries all by its own. Designed to make things easier for Google and to help provide search results that are more refined, RankBrain also appeared as a challenge for digital marketers to make UX (User Experience) and ultimately SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to be even more engaging than before as RankBrain is a machine without bias and will only operate through technical standards that it recognizes.

It’s been three years since RankBrain was introduced and it continues to be an effective tool for — the search results are more complex, more useful, and more sensible. There are a lot of workings within RankBrain and this blog is an attempt to refresh every one (even the most trusted and prominent SEO company) of the whole algorithm and its importance to UX and SEO in a simple but substantial manner.

Google’s old methods

Even before the creation of RankBrain, Google uses different AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms that manage their search domain. However, their main locomotive is called Hummingbird and Rankbrain is only one of the components albeit the newest one in the applications to make Google the most powerful search engine.

To sort and rank searches, Google uses signals or the elements within a webpage such as speed of the site, PageRank, and enriched search terms. Collectively, they fall in the category links and content which are the first two of the most important signals according to Google. Now, the gigantic search engine company had already added the focus of site owners to RankBrain as one of the most important signals to rank your website.

But how do people make RankBrain favorable to them? Read on.

Science of RankBrain

RankBrain makes Google even smarter than before. Prior to its launch, if you put everything in your website, from plenty amount of links to remarkable content even without them fitting your site, Google will still rank it. These days, RankBrain will examine your entire site and see if you are only doing what is adequate and not tricking your way in. This is because RankBrain is designed to find the best for the user even through trivial information and RankBrain can only do it if the websites provide appropriate site structures and materials.

Simply put, RankBrain is introduced to assess more on the entered search keywords of a user and offer substantial and sometimes even far-reaching result. We’ll give you examples:

With RankBrain, if a user entered “flowers”, it will provide more than a site that defines flowers but rather a multitude of online shops selling flowers and services pertaining to them or a rundown of news about flowers around the world. RankBrain augments the entire search experience and if your site has fantastic UX design and effective content suitable to the search then RankBrain will cater you to the user. But this isn’t where RankBrain’s job ends. If a user enters your site and leaves immediately then RankBrain might judge this as a bounce. However, if a user stays at your site and actually engages on your services offered then RankBrain will rank you.

RankBrain’s also provides results to unclear Google searches. Sometimes a user can’t translate a certain question well but Google, with the help of RankBrain, still finds solutions. All this is because RankBrain calculates the intent of the user and through its continuous learning it can follow a pattern and give what seems to be what most users need.

What RankBrain is to UX and SEO

RankBrain is currently a formidable force and is needed in your marketing venture just like how SEO and an SEO company needs UX and vice versa. Now, in order to rank, you will have to follow its preferences. To do this, you’ll have to keep on producing content that are of actual service to potential customers. Ask yourself, “If I’m a customer looking for my own product, what should I search in Google?” These could be instructional guides, features about the products, and news about the industry.

Aside from long-tail and sensible keywords, injecting semantics on your content is also essential. Focus on the way you write, the milieu, and the channel your target audience might be looking at your content from.

RankBrain works for you. If you provide the necessary signals, it can deliver you clients. If your UX and SEO are satisfying then RankBrain up ranks you. Give and you shall receive.

With what’s discussed above, we can say that RankBrain is an important element that needs to be focused on. RankBrain has been in public knowledge for quite some time now but not many digital marketers are aware of its existence or are downplaying its importance but this should change now.

Google continues to fortify its search results and as a digital marketer that specializes in both UX and SEO, you should also up your game.

