How to Use Amazon Attribution to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Efforts in 2023

4 min readAug 16, 2023


As an Amazon seller, understanding the performance of your marketing efforts is essential for driving sales and growing your business. Amazon Attribution is a powerful tool that allows sellers to measure the impact of their off-Amazon marketing campaigns, providing valuable insights to optimize performance. In this blog post, we at Sellerscourts, an Amazon agency with 45 years of combined experience and offices in London and New York, will explore how to use Amazon Attribution to measure and optimize your marketing efforts in 2023.

I. What is Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution is a measurement and analytics tool that enables sellers to track the performance of their off-Amazon marketing channels, such as social media, search engines, and email marketing, in driving traffic and sales on Amazon. With Amazon Attribution, sellers can access detailed performance metrics, including clicks, detail page views, add-to-cart events, and sales, to understand the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and optimize their marketing strategy.

II. How to Get Started with Amazon Attribution

Sign Up for Amazon Attribution: To access Amazon Attribution, you must be a registered Amazon seller with a professional selling plan and have an Amazon Store. Sign up for Amazon Attribution through Seller Central or visit the Amazon Attribution website.

Create Your Attribution Tags: Once you have access to Amazon Attribution, create attribution tags for each of your off-Amazon marketing channels. Amazon Attribution will generate unique URLs with tracking parameters, which you can use in your marketing campaigns to track performance.

Implement Your Attribution Tags: Replace the standard Amazon product URLs in your off-Amazon marketing campaigns with the Amazon Attribution URLs. This will enable Amazon Attribution to track the performance of your marketing channels in driving traffic and sales on Amazon.

III. Understanding Amazon Attribution Metrics

Amazon Attribution provides several key performance metrics to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, including:

Clicks: The number of times users clicked on your Amazon Attribution links within your marketing campaigns.

Detail Page Views (DPV): The number of times users viewed your product detail pages on Amazon after clicking on your Amazon Attribution links.

Add-to-Cart Events: The number of times users added your products to their shopping carts after clicking on your Amazon Attribution links.

Sales: The total sales generated by users who clicked on your Amazon Attribution links, including both attributed sales (sales directly attributed to your marketing campaigns) and non-attributed sales (sales not directly attributed to your marketing campaigns but influenced by them).

IV. Analyzing and Optimizing Your Marketing Efforts with Amazon Attribution

Evaluate Performance by Channel: Use Amazon Attribution to compare the performance of your different marketing channels, such as social media, search engines, and email marketing, in driving traffic and sales on Amazon. Identify high-performing channels and allocate more resources to them, while optimizing or discontinuing underperforming channels.

Test and Optimize Campaigns: Conduct A/B testing with your Amazon Attribution URLs to compare the performance of different marketing strategies, such as ad creatives, targeting options, and bidding strategies. Use the insights gained from testing to optimize your campaigns for better performance.

Optimize Your Marketing Mix: Analyze the performance of your marketing channels in driving different stages of the customer journey, from awareness to conversion. Adjust your marketing mix to ensure you’re reaching potential customers at every stage of their journey, maximizing the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor your Amazon Attribution performance metrics and make data-driven adjustments to your marketing campaigns. Stay agile and responsive to changes in performance, market conditions, and consumer behavior to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving Amazon marketplace.

V. Leverage Amazon Attribution for Sponsored Ads Optimization

In addition to tracking the performance of your off-Amazon marketing channels, you can also use Amazon Attribution data to optimize your Sponsored Ads campaigns. By analyzing the performance of your off-Amazon marketing efforts in driving traffic and sales on Amazon, you can identify high-performing keywords and targeting options to incorporate into your Sponsored Ads strategy, improving the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

VI. Understanding the Limitations of Amazon Attribution

While Amazon Attribution provides valuable insights into the performance of your off-Amazon marketing campaigns, it’s essential to understand its limitations. Amazon Attribution does not track the performance of Amazon’s internal marketing channels, such as Sponsored Ads or Amazon DSP, so you’ll need to rely on other Amazon reporting tools to evaluate the performance of these channels. Additionally, Amazon Attribution may not capture the full impact of your off-Amazon marketing efforts, as some users may engage with your marketing campaigns but convert later through different channels or devices.

VII. Seek Professional Assistance to Maximize Amazon Attribution Benefits

Using Amazon Attribution effectively requires an understanding of marketing analytics and the Amazon marketplace. If you’re new to Amazon Attribution or need help optimizing your marketing efforts, consider partnering with an experienced Amazon agency like Sellerscourts. Our team of experts can help you leverage Amazon Attribution data to develop a data-driven marketing strategy that drives sales and grows your Amazon business.


Amazon Attribution is a powerful tool that can help you measure and optimize your off-Amazon marketing efforts. By understanding its features, limitations, and best practices, you can make data-driven decisions that improve your marketing strategy and drive growth on Amazon. If you need assistance with Amazon Attribution or other aspects of your Amazon business, the team at Sellerscourts is here to help.

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