How to Test Carbon Monoxide in Home

TJ Plumbing and Gas Fitting
2 min readNov 5, 2019

Carbon monoxide or CO is an odourless, colourless and tasteless gas which is slightly less dense than air. This is a highly toxic gas for humans. Breathing in CO causes headache, vomiting, dizziness and nausea. So overall, it is fair to conclude that if you get exposed to the carbon monoxide, then it will significantly affect your health condition.

The odourless and colourless features of CO make it difficult for others to detect this gas. So here comes the question, how you can detect carbon monoxide at home. Well, you can hire a plumber in Cheltenham who also offers CO test. He will help you to detect carbon monoxide in the house. Meanwhile, you can also try the following DIY techniques to detect the gas.

Carbon Monoxide Gas Detector (Consumer-Level)

If you search carefully on the different online store, then you will find some quality devices that can detect carbon monoxide in the home. The size of this type of device is as similar to your phone. However, the width of this device is slightly bigger. They are also equipped with a small screen. By using this device, you can easily detect carbon monoxide in your home.

You can also search in the local market for this device. However, we mainly recommend individuals to buy the product from an online store. If you buy it from an online store, then you will get the chance to check its reviews and ratings. It will help you to buy the best product.

HVAC Combustion Analysis

Before we talk about this test, we need to know about the sources of carbon monoxide in the home. Well, if you burn gas, coal, wood, oil or charcoal incompletely, it produces carbon monoxide. So overall, it is fair to conclude that your gas system or water heater might produce CO if they lost their work efficiency.

However, if you use the HVAC system in your home, even them it might produce carbon monoxide. In a situation like this, you will need a combustion analyser to check the status of your HVAC system. A combustion analyser is nothing but an electronic device that you can use to test the vented gasses that come directly from the furnaces of your HVAC system.

These are the two most effective things that you can do to test carbon monoxide in your home. Through the carbon monoxide test, you will be able to detect the level of CO in your room. If you find that the CO level is high, then you have to find the source first from where it is coming. And after that, you have to fix the issues. You can also take professional help for addressing the entire job.

