Full-body Workout or Split body Workout. Which one for you?

White Act
5 min readMay 22, 2020


Full body workout or split body workout!!! It is a major question that everyone asks themselves once in their life during a fitness program.

Some say the full-body workout is better. But some say the split body part workout is more useful. But the real answer is “It Depends!!!”

Choose which one is more suitable for you.

If you google this question you will find a lot of answers related to this topic.

Both are good strategies and both have their pros and cons. I have tried both these methods as well. And I want to say both are good.

But, some people cannot decide which is more suitable for them. So, here a simple guide for those people:

When do you need to do a full-body workout?

You are a beginner in the workout routine:

A full-body workout is best for those who have started doing a fresh new workout or who are starting it after a long period. In the beginning days, your muscular endurance is very low. You need to build it back.

By doing only 1–2 exercises daily per muscle group, most people start seeing plenty of results in 3 to 4 weeks. I am telling you about my own experience here.

You are irregular with workout plans:

What it means??? This means that when you are doing a split workout and you start to skip or miss any body part exercises (chest, legs, back, arms, abs, shoulder exercises). Then, there is a risk of developing a muscular imbalance in your body.

Due to irregularities in your workout plan, you have not trained your muscle group properly. That’s why there is a high risk of muscular imbalance.

To explain to you properly, we take an example. Let’s say you train your chest every week but you forget your back workout. What would happen??? There are more chances you will develop posture issues which can lead to stagnation and even injury.

So if you are irregular then use a full-body workout.

Looking for an easy and quick way to work out:

Today in a fast-paced life, everyone is busy. No one has time to do hours of workout.

Everyone wants their work out to be easy, fast, and effective. They like the feeling of being productive with their time.

For these people who are living a very fast life and who don’t have much time for other activities, a full-body workout is most beneficial. There are plenty of varieties for this kind of workout.

Only have 2 or 3 days to commit an exercise:

Just like above, if you have only 2 to 3 days every week to perform a workout, then do a full-body workout.

While it is possible to do split exercise but it is more beneficial to do a whole-body workout 3 times instead of doing it for once every week.

You will be less tired, and you will save a lot of time also.

When will you need to do a split body part workout?

When you are exercising for a long time:

When you are exercising for a long time (Here long-time mean, you are doing it for 3–5 times per week for 3 months.) then you have enough discipline to do a split body workout.

Because you need strong discipline to take advantage of this workout.

You must have this discipline, otherwise, due to skipping or missing workout, there are higher risks of muscular imbalance.

You have plenty of time to complete a workout plan:

If you are like me who likes lifting the weight and love doing it for weeks, then split body workout is best for you.

In this workout, you divide your exercise into different parts that focus on different muscle groups.

Split body parts workout is best to focus on one muscle group at a time.

If you want to focus on a specific muscle group:

When you working out for a long period, then you may decide that one muscle group needs more exercise than one exercise per workout.

You will do 4 to 5 exercises for one muscle group depending on your preferred muscle group.

In a full-body workout, if you start doing this, it will eat up all your time, which you will not like and you will be too tired to do another exercise.

As you can see there is no right and wrong routine. It all depends on your condition and your choices. Choose which one is better for you. Some people may jump back and forth between full-body workout and split body workout, which can be a great way to switch your fitness program.

For me, I started with a full-body workout and replaced it with a split body workout after four months. And I got some great results.

Originally published at https://whiteact.com on December 12, 2019.



White Act

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