Coconut Sugar vs. Brown Sugar: A Duel between Two Sweeteners

Wiki Coconut Info
3 min readNov 15, 2017


With all the different sweeteners available today, it can be difficult to choose the right sugar. Each type of sugar has its own quality and nutritional value which is why we have taken the liberty in collecting all the necessary information about the difference between coconut sugar vs brown sugar. Both sugars are well known for their individual nutritional value. But a percentage of consumers don’t really know what differentiates them apart. So if you are thinking of switching your current sugar with either of the two, here’s everything you need to know about each.

Coconut sugar vs brown sugar

A. Method of production

The making of coconut sugar

Coconut sugar is made by dehydrating the sap found inside coconut blossoms. The sap is collected and then placed in controlled temperatures to boil and kill any harmful remnants within. Medium is the ideal temperature for boiling to ensure that the nutrients inside are left intact. Since the coconut sugar making process is minimal, it is both environment-friendly and chemical-free.

The production of brown sugar

On the other hand, brown sugar is made by extracting the juice inside sugar canes followed by boiling and filtering. This sugar is basically white sugar with molasses. The production process requires no industrial additives like activated carbon or calcium hydroxide. That’s how it preserves the vitamins and minerals intact. Thus, brown sugar is in a more natural state and gives a slightly different taste from white sugar.

B. Nutritional Content

Coconut sugar is an ideal sweetener alternative due to its various health benefits. It is most famous for its low glycemic index. Coconut sugar contains a GI count of 35 which is way lesser than other sweeteners. For example, brown sugar has GI of 64 and maple syrup with 54.

Therefore, coconut sugar is ideal for those who are looking for a sweetener that is organic. Organic and unrefined coconut sugar is a better alternative because it can help reduce the chances of spiking up blood sugar levels.

Unlike other sweeteners, brown sugar contains vitamins and minerals, like iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Unlike white sugar, it is completely chemical free. It also holds fewer calories than white sugar. Moreover, brown sugar improves digestion. For instance, drinks made with brown sugar are known to help treat ailments relating to digestion and constipation.

Like organic coconut sugar, brown sugar also works pretty well as an ingredient in beauty products. To name one, brown sugar makes a good base for homemade skincare because it can soften skin and removes dirt and dead skin cells.

The Verdict

Since both have their own quality and benefits, choosing either depends on your taste and judgement. Always keep in mind that even though these two sugars offer a variety of health benefits, it doesn’t change the fact that they are sugar. They are neither some miracle product and are just simply alternatives to your refined sugar.

Be sure to maintain a healthy diet and eat sugars in moderation. With the debate of coconut sugar vs brown sugar, the answer still depends on you. Don’t worry though, both are equally delicious and way healthier than most sweeteners.

Originally published at on November 15, 2017.

