American vs Russian News: “Gas Attack” Investigation in Syria

3 min readApr 20, 2018


I asked a Swede on Twitter if he thought Sweden should join NATO in an Attack on Syria (something I for sure NOT think) he, an ex-pilot in Swedish Air force and self proclaimed “analyst” of #säkpol (Defence Politics) told me he didn’t see any reason for discussion with me, because he “believed in Western Media and I in Russian Media”

I am never rude or anything, and do genuine wonder how people think when so different from myself. Also worth nothing: Mr. Grev wasnt rude in anyway.

Fair Enough, Lets compare Western Media with Russian Media, shall we?
On the Subject “Investigation of the alleged Gas Attack in Douma, Syria”

Lets start with Western Media and who can do it better then CNN?

Here’s some investigative journalism!
CNN “journalist” Arwa Damon (Twitter) “Investigates” the alleged Gas Attack in Douma, Syria by smelling on Backpacks on refugee camps near the Border to Turkey — close to Gaziantep where Western MSM HQ is located for reporting about the War on Syria — So let me be clear, they report about the War in Syria from Turkey, sometimes from Kilis that closer to the Syrian Border: Google Maps of Area but this time have Arwa crossed the border to a refugee camp and smell on backpacks.
If they live underground as people have done in Ghouta before liberation by Syrian Army, there is nothing strange that a childs backpack smells strange!

Lets have a look on Russian Media, then shall we? This is Vesti News reporting from Douma:

“Food for Propaganda — White Helmets Bribe Kids of Douma to act as Props in Video

Evgeny Poddubny, the military correspondent in Syria, was able to find the people responsible for fabricating footage of the alleged chemical attack in Douma. The militants enticed hungry children with food and then used them for the provocative footage that they then distributed with the help of the White Helmets

If the American way to “investigate” is a bit funny, the reality is NOT, another child abused by White Helmets that trick a hungry child to Douma Hospital in promise for cookies and food.. I have NEVER seen this type of abuse from others then Western Media during this War in Syria, NEVER! For take one example, the First kids saved by Syrian Army from Eastern Ghouta — thats all I ever seen from those kids, not used in War Propaganda that Western Media have as a rule. (And to take children in to this piss me off, I must say. No Honor whatsover)
This boy was also on english speaking RT: Link (YouTube)

I have follow the War in Syria as a concern citizen and to follow it on the Western Media is impossible, it is pure Terror Propaganda. Just how Western Media cover what lead up to this fake Gas Story this time, when SAA and Allies begun Operation Damascus Steel and liberate East Ghouta and all of a sudden do Western Media care A LOT of Ghouta and the Cover is heavy:

From this thread:

OBS: I do not care about the Labels as “Russian Bot” and every crazy thing from Ignorant people that just read/watch one side in a war. This is just a compare between Russian and Western Media and I let the reader of this be the judge of who cover it best, or, for that matter, can find better News cover from Western Media then CNN smelling on backpacks or Vesti find the Boy used in White Helmets War Propaganda

One thing is for sure:

