Crypto Valley | EOS Blockchain Switzerland

EOS Blockchain & Platform Applications Meetup 2019/09/19

4 min readSep 20, 2019
First meetup on EOS ecosystem blockchains by EOS Nation Ambassadors in Switzerland.
EOS Blockchain Switzerland is an educational and development platform about EOSIO protocol.
EOS Nation is one of many Block Producers within the EOS ecosystem maintaining and securing EOSIO chains.

Story of this meetup :

EOS ecosystem is scalable vertically and horizontally. EOS MainNet has a LIB (Last irreversible block) of 3 minutes and a block time of 0.5 seconds. That renders any EOSIO blockchain-based the faster in the world.

In a blockchain, we want to transact in a trustless way by using a consensus algorithm and also with the best security, scalability, decentralization. The blockchain trilemma states that we can’t have all those qualities reached together at the same time. Therefore we have to interoperate with other blockchain protocols such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and others. Competition is not the solution, collaboration is the new paradigm. The EOSIO blockchain ecosystem has managed to solve IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication).

Consensus Algorithms — Delegated Proof of Stake is used to confirm that transactions are valid in each EOSIO based chain.
EOS Nation is securing other chains than the EOS MainNet. BOSCORE chain based on EOSIO has achieved a LIB (Last irreversible block) of 3 seconds! This is needed for many high-grade decentralized applications.

Developers can chose to either work directly on the base layer of the EOS Operating System or on the Dapp Network, which is a second layer scaling solution.

Interested to read more about? Download our presentation.

EOS ecosystem architecture.
Some applications inside the EOS ecosystem.
Introduction to some wallet ( and Lynx) differences.
Everipedia Encyclopedia to explain the integration of IPFS with EOS. to explain Teleportation Protocol from Ethereum tokens to EOS.
Scatter in order to explain user secure identity.
Comparison between Ethereum Blockchain and the EOS ecosystem with many chains based on EOSIO.

Ethereum is considered as a super world computer with smart contracts where code is the law instead of EOS that is an Exponential Operating System with smart contracts where code is intent. The goal is to create many applications (dApps), each of them using the capabilities of the underlying operating system EOS. This operating system is distributed among the nodes.

Clear separation between dApp and smart contracts in EOSIO.
Questions on how smart contracts are linked with Ricardian contract to define the code intent VS code is law in Ethereum.

🚨It was also the opportunity to announce that EOS Workshops will be organized in Switzerland at the heart of Crypto Valley in Zug/Zürich, Lausanne, Geneva. Those workshops will be held in English and will be delivered by NovaCrypto/EOS Blockchain Switzerland Education Platform. 🚨

Public and scope:
Startups/Developers which are considering to integrate Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) in their platform by using the EOS ecosystem and the EOSIO smart contract Platform.

Why: The EOS ecosystem is made of several components and this has to be approached with a Software Engineering mindset.

A first batch/session of workshops will start in November and December 2019! The Workshops are made on one day and cover EOS Basics and EOS Advanced.

Stay tuned:
The detailed program of EOS Basics and EOS advanced will be unveiled on

Switzerland will not ignore EOS!

EOS the Enterprise Operating System — a Decentralized Operating System — upon dApps can be built and used. The faster blockchain without fees to transact via smart contract on the EOS Blockchain based on the open-source EOSIO software provided by and Dan Larimer.

NovaCrypto LTD Your Decentralized Apps Platform — Swiss Startup in the Business Process Solutions area since Feb.2018 act as an integrator in Centralized/Decentralized networks using EOS Blockchain as a glue with other blockchain type to ensure data security and data proof-of-ownership. Patrick Schmid is in MVP building to provide a Liquid Market of Software Licences hosted on a Platform in the heart of the Swiss Alps.

This article is made by Patrick Schmid — September 2019

The organization :

Patrick Schmid
EOS Nation Lausanne Ambassador and NovaCrypto founder

EOS Blockchain Switzerland Meetup Group

EOS Blockchain Switzerland Website

Thierry Stoudmann
EOS Nation Geneva Ambassador

EOS Nation block producer

