Embracing the Journey: From Student Struggles to Finding My Niche in Tech

3 min readJun 15, 2023


In this Throwback Thursday article, I want to reflect on my personal experience as a student at Findworka, where I initially doubted my abilities in the tech field. It was a challenging time filled with self-doubt and a steep learning curve. However, through perseverance and embracing my unique strengths, I discovered that success in tech goes beyond coding skills alone. It was a time of self-doubt, challenges, and moments of triumph that ultimately led me to discover my own unique path to success in the tech world. In this article, I’ll share the ups and downs, the doubts and fears, and the valuable lessons I learned along the way.

I joined Findworka’s SAIL cohort 1 program and entered the world of front-end development with no prior knowledge or experience in tech cohorts. I was a complete novice, and it was my first experience ever being in any cohort. In fact, I hardly knew any terminologies in tech, and I could hardly communicate as a techie at the time. It was daunting to see my peers with prior experience and solid background knowledge in technology, which made me feel even more out of place. It was a brand-new experience for me, so doubts crept in and I questioned my own abilities. Age and personal concerns added to my doubts, but I made a conscious decision not to give up. Instead, I immersed myself in the learning journey, attending classes and asking even the simplest of questions.

As the cohort progressed, the workload increased, and I found myself struggling to complete projects independently. Instead of letting frustration consume me, I reached out for help and embraced collaboration with my peers. Together, we tackled assignments and overcame obstacles. It was a humbling experience to realize that success in tech isn’t solely based on coding skills. There is room for collaboration, teamwork, and leveraging individual strengths.

Throughout the cohort, I documented my experiences and encouraged my colleagues to share their stories as well. Creating a supportive environment within our cohort allowed us to grow together, learn from one another. and share valuable insights with others facing similar struggles. When it was time for presentations, my team pushed me forward to take the lead. It was through these moments that I realized my natural wit and ability to connect with people played a significant role in capturing the audience’s attention.

Today, as the Communications Manager at Findworka, I am a living testament that success in tech goes beyond coding skills alone. It’s about embracing the journey, overcoming challenges, and finding your niche. Not everyone will code, but everyone has unique strengths to contribute. So, if you ever doubt your abilities, remember to persevere, stay true to yourself, and don’t give up on your dreams; instead, find your niche and let your unique strengths shine. This rare opportunity provided by the SAIL Innovation Lab, CCHUB, and Findworka has given me a path to thrive in the tech space. I am Modupe Ariyo.

