Reconnecting with another exceptional participant from our last cohort.

2 min readMay 24, 2023


Reconnecting with another exceptional participant from our last cohort fills us with an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. We couldn’t be prouder of our alumnus, John Saviour, who is making significant contributions as a backend developer intern at Co Creation Hub (CCHUB). In a recent interview, he shared how the program at The Sail Innovation Lab transformed him into a confident software engineer. He praised the comprehensive training, projects, and supportive network by Findworka.

For me, the SAIL Innovation Lab Tech Talent program was a big factor in my journey to becoming a software engineer. The training, projects, coding challenges, and, of course, the network of fellow engineers have shaped me very positively to become confident with my tech skills. Everything needed to eliminate distractions and strengthen one’s focus was in place at the Tech-Talent program. From the conducive environment to the encouraging words from industry experts who visited regularly and seasoned trainers at Findworka, the experience was indeed top-notch. Today I am that backend engineer you want in your team, all thanks to Findworka, CCHUB, and the Distinguished Senator.

John highly recommends Findworka/Join Tech Campus as a platform for newbies in tech, and he feels equipped enough to make an impact. His word of advice to newbies is, “Know what you want and be determined.

Congratulations to John on his continued success! We take pride in empowering tech enthusiasts like him and eagerly anticipate more inspiring success stories. It’s truly rewarding to witness the impact of our program on John’s professional journey and the positive change he is making in the world. We look forward to celebrating even more achievements with him in the future.

