How do I change AI-generated text to human text?

2 min readJun 17, 2024


Has something like writing this article been generated by an AI tool where sometimes it will feel like we are a little off? . . robotic? While AI is perfect for generating a vast number of ideas and the first pass at some writing tasks, it often doesn’t ‘sound’ like a human and therefore lacks something. Don’t worry, though! It may sound obvious, but the choice of a few words can make the difference between the sounds created by AI text and human sounds.

Spotting the Signs of AI Writing

AI text can sometimes have these giveaways:

  • Stiff sentence structure: The sentences might all be similar in length and rhythm, lacking variety.
  • Fancy words over clear ones: AI might choose complex words that sound impressive but don’t quite fit the context.
  • Missing transitions: The flow between ideas might feel jumpy, like the text is skipping steps.
  • Lack of personal touch: AI text often lacks humor, anecdotes, or interesting turns of phrase that make human writing engaging.

Making Your AI Text Shine

Here’s how to breathe life into your AI-generated content:

  • Read it aloud: This is a great way to catch awkward phrasing or unnatural sentence flow.
  • Break up the text: Use shorter sentences and paragraphs to make it easier to read.
  • Swap out the vocabulary: Replace overly complex words with simpler, more natural choices.
  • Add transitions: Use words like “however,” “furthermore,” or “in addition to” to create a smooth flow between ideas.
  • Infuse your personality: Inject your own voice and style! Add humor, anecdotes, or interesting examples to make the text engaging.
  • Fact check and verify: Don’t rely solely on AI-generated information. Double-check facts with trusted sources.


So, just consider those tips, and you will be able to go from the standard ‘AI sounding’ text to something that is outstanding. AI for writing is a highly efficient resource, but the human factor is the one that makes your writing outstanding. Therefore, take advantage of AI in coming up with content and then apply your individual expertise on how to refine it and offer excellence.




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