The Essential Video Production Gear Checklist

Stada Video
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

Whether you’re a first time videographer or a business looking to produce a few videos in-house, choosing the right film gear should be one of the first items on your agenda. However, there’s a bewildering array of equipment available and, regardless of whether you decide to rent or purchase, selecting the right kit can be overwhelming.

We’ve narrowed down the essentials to get you started. Of course, you can feel free to expand and experiment once you’ve nailed the basics, but this checklist will certainly get you off on the right foot:


First things first… the camera. There are a lot of options out there but, to begin with, you can’t go wrong with a mid-range DSLR. Most shoot up to 1080p, so you can expect a decent quality. For a solid first lens investment, try a 50mm prime lens. Not too wide and not too long; it will serve you well for a variety of shots.

Don’t forget a tripod to ensure your shots are as steady as possible!


Never underestimate the importance of storage. You don’t want to find yourself running out of memory half way into a shoot! Grab yourself multiple SD cards, with at least 16GB each. If possible, go for class 10 or above; cheap SD cards are usually cheap for a reason!


A poorly lit video screams poor quality, so you need some kind of lighting equipment to combat grey skies and dull interior lighting. If you’re looking to keep it cheap and simple, you could consider a LED light attachment for your DSLR. However, using a basic lighting kit will give you a more professional finish. Most include a couple of LED lights with stands and softboxes.


Most DSLRs have some kind of on-board microphone, but that won’t cut it if you want the final result to be clean and professional. Adding a shotgun mic to your kit will make a big difference to your audio quality. Plus, they are usually incredibly cost-effective and compact!

Editing Software

Let’s not forget about post-production! There are plenty of free options for those on a strict budget — such as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker — but, if you’re looking to create videos on a regular basis, it’s worth investing in a more comprehensive editing package. Adobe Premiere Pro is an industry favourite; it has served us well over the years and remains our top choice for every video project!

On a tight budget? Cut the cost of your corporate video production without sacrificing quality using these simple tips!



Stada Video

Your message in motion — we bring your products and services to life with video.