River Valley Co.
2 min readMay 18, 2018


Danielle Schreiner

Occupation: Landscape Designer

Lived in Edmonton: 28 years (my whole life)

Edmonton’s River Valley is an unbroken green link through the city. It’s a unique, natural element that crosses the entire city — a natural park that runs from end-to-end of the city providing a variety of activities for all kinds of people.

When I was a kid, the river valley was a place where I would take advantage of being on the water. I always looked forward to attending one of my favourite local events, the Sourdough Raft Race, and every week during the summer I used to practice rowing on the river with Row for Kids.

Nowadays, my husband and I use the river valley as a place to get away from “the city” on weekend mornings before having to go back to the hustle and bustle of our daily routines. Our dog, Andi (Andromeda if you want to get fancy), runs freely around the off leash parks and loves playing fetch by the riverside. When the winter freezes the river over, the river valley is still our favourite off leash place to go with the forests providing a more interesting walking experience than most other off leash parks can.

