Information is the biggest and most powerful tool of the present age. This information is used by many in many ways. Some use it properly and some misuse it.

SEO — Strategies and Methods (02) — Bhairab IT Zone

When we are confused about something or curious to know something, we go to Google and search for it by writing it in the search engine. Not all the information on Google is correct, but the strategy to know the correct information is the SEO of that information.

Search engines have changed a lot in their ranking algorithm, now any keyword can’t be ranked as easily as before, so ranking has to burn a lot of wood and hay. Keeping that process in mind, SEO strategies and methods are divided into two parts.

Namely - 1. White Hat SEO 2. Black Hat SEO.

What is a White Hat SEO?

White hat SEO is the method of search engine optimization that completes its work by following all the rules and regulations of search engines. If you continue to work in this way, you will be able to quickly advance the ranking of any of your keywords and increase the amount of traffic and visitors. White Hat SEO is always recommended as a good design practice.

The Qualities that a White hat SEO Should have:

For an SEO to be considered as White Hat SEO, the following are the qualities that need to be present:

  • Adhere to search engine guidelines.
  • Not engaging in any fraudulent or deceptive practices.
  • Search engines rank the content by indexing so that any user can see that content later.
  • Web page content should be created for the user and not just for search engines.
  • It improves the quality of the web page content and provides some useful content for the web page.

White Hat SEO always strives to provide accurate and high-quality results to users. It is not within the policy of White Hat SEO to fool site visitors through any kind of trickery or deception.

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO goes against the rules of search engine optimization and artificially builds backlinks to get its work done quickly. Many backlinks can be created in a short period of time by using different software. And many do black hat SEO to rank their keywords by creating more links. Many people call it spamdexing.

But as the search engines are now very advanced, they can catch the footprints of these backlinks, once caught then the entire website is rejected from the search engines. Because search engines never approve of this spamdexing and always try to reduce them from search engines. Then getting that website back to search engine ranking becomes a very difficult task, in many cases it becomes impossible.

Features of Black Hat SEO:

The signs or features that you can see that it is Black Hat SEO are as follows:

  • Rankings that are disapproved by search engines are directly related to cheating/fraud.
  • Redirecting users to a web page that is completely separate or different from the search engine’s web page.
  • Create and present two versions, one for search engine spiders or Google and another for human visitors. This entire process is called ‘Cloaking SEO Strategy’.
  • Creating an exact copy of a popular website that presents crawling content similar to the original website, but redirects users to unrelated web pages or websites in terms of information. That is called web page hijacking.
  • By hosting multiple websites at the same time, all websites are mirrored and the same in content or concept, but using different URLs.
  • Creating low-quality web pages that contain less content but are instead stuffed with the same keywords and phrases. This is called a doorway or gateway page.
  • Repeating keywords in meta tags and using keywords that are not related to the content of the website is called meta tag stuffing.
  • Hidden, invisible, or small font text or HTML code with the background color of a webpage. Like the “No–Frame” section.

If you want to improve your website ranking quickly then stay away from the above black hat SEO techniques. Because search engines are now smart enough to catch this spamdexing. Otherwise, your ‘mango will go and the peel will go’.

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