Who’s Agender?

Dational Blog
2 min readOct 17, 2019


Agender also called genderless, gender-free, non-gendered, or ungendered, someone who identifies as without gender is a none-gender identity that falls under the nonbinary and transgender umbrella terms. Agender is when you do not feel male or female, but prefer genderless more. Some people refer to this as neutrons ((Having a null or neutral gender (being neither male nor female), and having or trying to have no or decreased signs of physical sex.)) or use the catch-all term “nonbinary.”

Some of them don’t need to change any part of their body to be agender, They may not feel that they are either masculine or feminine, but be perfectly happy with their bodies. They also might not be satisfied in their body but don’t express their opinions either way.

One of the most important things when it comes to gender identity and respecting individuality is pronoun choice. Agender people may want to use any pronouns, including “she/her” or “he/him.” If you are not sure what pronoun you should use, the best way is to listen to see what pronouns others use when referring to that person. You can also ask but do so in a unique way.

Just because someone might identify outside the gender binary does not mean that there aren’t times in which they may desire to appear more feminine or masculine or a mixture of both, depending on how they feel. Gender is in the eye of the observer. Dressing a certain way can be an empowering feeling for anyone, but it can also be about playfulness and fun. Experimenting with gender presentation and clothing can be an essential and critical step for anyone trying to figure out how they can feel most at home in their body and identity.

Agender Is not the same as Genderfluid

As I said before, agender individuals do not identify as male or female exclusively; this is not to be confused with genderfluid. Another identity that also falls under the transgender/nonbinary/multigender umbrellas. Where people who are agender do not have a specific gender identity, genderfluid people may identify as more feminine or masculine or a mixture or something else entirely over a while (day to day, monthly, etc.) Agender is a lack of gender or having a gender which is “none.” Believing these people is not as easy as you think you can learn more about them to be an ally person



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