The Advantages and Disadvantages of Memories

Decipher Mind Development
3 min readDec 13, 2017


Your human brain can hold in one single memory as much data information as your internet can possibly hold. Your mind has roughly a million gigabytes of memory storage. Every time we bring up or recall a memory, we alter that memory in some way.

This is a powerful process that most people don’t use to their advantage. But before I go into that further, I want you to think about a positive memory and notice the response that memory has on your emotions. When you feel the emotional feeling, recognize how your physical body feels in conjunction with this memory. Now, think about a negative memory and notice the response that memory has on your emotions. When you feel the emotional feeling, recognize how your physical body feels in conjunction with this memory.

I’m sure by now you wish you wouldn’t have recalled the negative memory. But one of two things occurred when you did recall the negative memory. First, you recognized how a negative memory impacts your emotions along with your physical body. Secondly, the memory you recalled was being altered in your memory in some way, either by recalling something perceptively different than before or it seemed a bit distant for you to recall it. The reason a memory would seem distant is that your mind has buried it deep inside because it doesn’t want to recall it.

When your mind buries these negative memories, it doesn’t just take up storage space, it also takes hold of your emotions along with your physical body. When you use this method of dealing with your negative memories it creates your sensory system to become stressed out, therefore increasing your chances of having a stress-related health issue.

So, what is the best way to take advantage of these negative memories? Yes, you heard me right: advantages. The first advantage of recalling these memories is so they don’t hold your emotions and physical body hostage. The second advantage is that you become increasing aware of the negative memory so you not only release its emotional and physical hold on you, but you also learn the true knowledge of its existence.

I know what you’re thinking, you already know its existence and it’s bad. But in every memory there is a form of truth, and the truth is how either you played a role in it or how you might not have listened to your intuition simply because you let your mind override it.

When we learn the truth of a negative memory, it is your truth and the other person might have a different truth with it. It isn’t about whose truth is right or wrong. It is about the emotional and physical hold it places on you.

My advice to you is to schedule an hour session a couple times a week to recall negative memories. This will prevent you from becoming emotionally and physically hostage to these negative memories. In addition, it will increase your mind’s ability to understand the true origin of its existence. When we develop a stronger awareness of its existence it gives you greater insight into how to prevent it from happening again. I hope you find this information not only insightful but powerful enough to share it with others.



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