How to future proof your child’s education

3 min readJul 29, 2020


Photo from Unslpash by Annie Spratt

With mounting fears of kids returning to classrooms, parents are searching for alternatives if schools are unable to deliver on in-person classes. The shift to online learning seems daunting but can provide children with new learning experiences. Learning to code young in life is not only a fun and interactive activity, but it will also give them a competitive advantage in the future.

So how can you as a parent help prepare your child for a future in an ever-changing world? We live in a tech-centered world so forgive the bias here, but we think that teaching kids to code has direct and indirect benefits in a fast-changing future.

The direct benefit is that kids who learn computer science (CS) principals are 12 per cent more likely to enroll in college than kids who do not, as stated by Therefore, coding is becoming a great tool for kids to help pave the way for their futures.

The indirect benefit is that coding trains children to develop a more inquisitive mindset by teaching them how to experiment and help them develop their creative skills. Children begin with learning simple steps to code and eventually will learn to try different processes in programming, learning to become more creative as they go. Kids will gain confidence through learning how they can create the technology that they enjoy consuming themselves such as video games and apps.

So what is the holdback? Only 40 per cent of schools are offering CS classes, yet 84 per cent of parents say that offering CS classes are more important or just as important as other subjects.

Luckily, there are solutions out there.

We mentioned that helps teachers learn how to code, but Kids Code Jeunesse (KCJ) is another non-profit that has set a goal of making artificial intelligence, ethics and the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development at the forefront of children’s education by 2030. KCJ plays a large role in making it easier for kids to become literate in coding through interactive online classes that are offered in both French and English.

KCJ offers free virtual coding classes for children ages eight to twelve. All that is required is a computer with a microphone, webcam and internet connection. Giving your kids the opportunity to try it for free for the first time before investing in more classes.

KCJ has four interactive programs designed especially for children that could be the next step in a child’s coding journey. In order to keep the class at a high-quality level, they are offered in small groups of a maximum of 15 kids at a time. Our VP, Tiona’s six-year-old son highly recommends the Space Burps, in this two-hour interactive class he learned how to create a burping space dinosaur — what can be more fun than that!

Learning to code will help children become better problem solvers and more innovative. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are consistently the top skills that employers are looking for and coding opens up more options for whatever career path your child chooses in the future. Check out KCJ’s website for more information on how to get your children signed up for classes today.

Written by: Megan McClure, Marketing at Global Talent Accelerator.

