CIVVIES, Our Story Into Sustainability

3 min readSep 3, 2018


You wear them on a daily basis, whatever the style, wherever you live, and whichever statement of self expression you are trying to put out there. Clothes are fundamental to humanity, and they have been for years. Yet, while thinking about what to wear daily, you forget to think about where every piece is coming from, and how it is made.

Every item we put on our bodies is a vote of support to the second most polluting industry in the world, fast fashion. That’s a fact. For an industry that revolves around taking a piece from the catwalk to retail shops as fast as possible, sustainability is thrown down the drain, literally.

That being said, where does Civvies Designs come in? Let’s #TravelBackinTime to when it all started.

Surprisingly, it started with a plastic bottle, and a university project. Being frustrated with amount of plastic bottle waste produced by students and staff at the university the founder was studying at, extensive research was initiated. From plastic waste to general waste production and the lack of sufficient recycling to modern consumerism, the roads led to fashion as a major player in the environmental dilemma that the world is currently facing. We took the executive decision to support slow and ethical fashion, we believe that we have a responsibility to make a change.

This itself gave birth to the first experimental label that’s only producing eco-friendly garments and fashion accessories in Lebanon!

As we delved deeper into the technical process, the challenge grew. And our team grew as well.


Our favorite aha moment that emerged during the development of civvies and while working on our experimental collection is: Sustainable fashion doesn’t have to be ugly! Having plain or ragged designs as the only sustainable options in the market has created a stereotype that drives consumers away from choosing eco-friendly outfits. It is the 21st century after all, and the design possibilities are endless. At Civvies Designs, we took sustainability to a whole new level! We have adopted hand-painting and so many more manual techniques to produce exquisite designs. The result?! Not a single pattern is like the other! You’ll be wearing a unique piece that no one else owns!

We dress with our eyes first so you’ll want to see for yourself! Check our first experimental collection here and share it with your fashionable gang.

Our Endless Dragon piece is made from linen in a very minimalistic design. In the process of crafting this shirt no commercial cotton fields caused death to a whole ecosystem. No toxic dyes leached to the underground water. Not a single worker was abused. An ethical product in every sense of the word was created.

Each and every piece transmits the brand’s minimalistic approach which itself carries volumes of functionality and versatility. Inspired by the immortality of nature, a garment is fit for every occasion. By recreationally infusing hand printed patterns, every curve and every flick of color is a unique statement against consumerism. And with a subtle array of colors, each item will reflect an ethereal mood which inspires endless styling combinations.

Is your sustainable sense tingling yet? Be the first to get your hands on our first collection by subscribing to our newsletter! Don’t worry, no spamming, you’ll only get crème de la crème on the slow fashion world and so much more!




An experimental label producing sustainable fashion.