RoadLaunch Next Generation Logistics Supply Chain & Settlement Signs MoU with WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation

Info RoadLaunch
4 min readAug 5, 2019

Media Release — August 5, 2019

Windsor-Essex Ontario, Canada | RoadLaunch ( and WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation (WE EDC) have entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to design, develop and deliver next-generation solutions for cross-border pre-clearance for commercial goods, documentation and digital identities for Blockchain-based Smart Contracts that will facilitate the movement of goods and people across the Canada-US border.

This MoU, with a growing ecosystem of trusted partners, is intended to bring trust, traceability on a Blockchain-enabled platform for next-generation, intelligent logistics management. Leveraging Smart Contracts for instant trust, RoadLaunch will be able to facilitate trusted, multi-model Supply Chain transactions, with digital identities, to enable pre-clearance of goods at the Windsor-Essex border. As we expand the partner ecosystem, this can help with enhanced planning, lowered operations costs, and added value to the hard-working Logistics companies in Canada.

Stephen MacKenzie, President and CEO of the Windsor-Essex Economic Development Corporation (WE EDC) stated, “It’s our pleasure to collaborate with RoadLaunch to achieve the mutual goals of exploring the development, testing and deployment of new technologies, exploring pilot project opportunities as a result of the signing of the pre-clearance agreement between the U.S. and Canada, and to expedite the processing of commercial vehicles at border crossings that have adopted blockchain technologies to verify freight, documentation, and associated digital identities.”

CEO and Founder of RoadLaunch/FactR Cory Skinner adds: “This partnership is not only exciting, but adds a level of digitization, trust, and efficiency in Logistics Supply Chain, not found in other platforms and partnerships. With this MoU, RoadLaunch can support the WE EDC with its plans for future-forward technology, and in collaboration for projects including certified pre-clearance, Smart Contract based digital documents in alignment with border crossings as well as the Gordie Howe International Bridge”


RoadLaunch is an IBM certified solutions partner, which provides a platform for next-generation logistics, enabled with IoT-driven smart contracts, and is working to close the gap on trusted transactions for global Supply Chains and Logistics. Our mission is to bring decentralized, immutable Blockchain technologies to the logistics and freight industry, advancing and enhancing supply chain transparency, and enabling trusted global freight, fleet and logistics transactions management. RoadLaunch Operates in 3 continents and serves the full range of small to large, multi-national corporations in over 12 countries.


Windsor-Essex, Ontario is Canada’s most southern region — it is where Canada begins. It is also the only census metropolitan area in Canada that shares a border with a U.S. metropolitan area and this binational area is at the core of one of North America’s major trade and transportation corridors. The Windsor-Detroit trade corridor is the busiest commercial border crossing between Canada and the U.S. and one of the most lucrative in the world with an estimated $0.5 Billion in goods crossing the Windsor-Detroit border every day, representing 30% of total highway trade (or 15% of total trade) between Canada and the U.S. With the future $5/7 billion Gordie Howe International Bridge being built by 2024 this trade corridor with increase substantially with significant “real-time” capabilities. The Windsor-Essex Region is strategically located to provide quick access to a global automotive and mobility cluster located in Southeastern Michigan while taking advantage of several Canadian strengths, such as: a highly-educated workforce, a high quality of life, a strong and stable economic base, and a suite of progressive immigration policies and practices to access global talent. AVIN brings together industry, academia, and governments to capitalize on the economic opportunities of C/AV, while supporting the province’s transportation systems and infrastructure in adapting to these emerging technologies.

The Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN) initiative is funded by the Government of Ontario to support Ontario’s competitive advantage in the automotive sector and to reinforce its position as a North American leader in advanced automotive and mobility technologies, including transportation and infrastructure systems. This initiative capitalizes on the economic potential of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) technologies by supporting the commercialization of best-in-class, made-in-Ontario solutions that create jobs and drive economic growth and global competitiveness. AVIN also helps Ontario’s transportation systems and infrastructure adapt to these emerging technologies. AVIN brings together industry, academia, and governments to capitalize on the economic opportunities of C/AV, while supporting the province’s transportation systems and infrastructure in adapting to these emerging technologies.

Advanced Traffic Monitoring and Control Technologies: Access to data and technologies that link connected and autonomous vehicles to physical and system infrastructure (across the Windsor-Essex and Detroit Regions) to help build the smart city, smart borders of tomorrow.

The Windsor-Essex Regional Technology Development Site will focus on cross border technologies. The project will provide a space (both virtual and physical) to enable entrepreneurs, technology start-up companies, Canadian corporations and educational / research organizations to develop, test, validate and showcase C/AV technologies, especially those used for commercial border crossings under various scenarios Visit:

For more information, please contact:

Susan Anzolin, Executive Director IBLS -519–996–1520

Lana Drouillard, Director Marketing/Communications- 519 259–9600

Cory Skinner, CEO and Founder of RoadLaunch/FactR

