Leveraging AR/VR for the Beauty & Cosmetics Industry

NXT Interactive
3 min readSep 1, 2022


It was like a normal day at any beauty & cosmetic salon in Singapore. Women of all ages chattered away while stylists bustled about, curling, straightening, and coloring hair. In the midst of the chatter and clatter, one voice stood out. “I just don’t know if I’m ready for this,” she said. Her stylist, a kind-faced woman with decades of experience, comforted her. “There’s no need to be nervous, dear. I’ve done this many times before. You’re in good hands.” The woman nodded, but she still looked unconvinced. The woman closed her eyes, bracing herself for the sensation of the chemicals on her scalp.

But then, something strange happened. Instead of the expected burning sensation, she felt a cool breeze blowing through her hair. She opened her eyes to see her stylist holding a small device that looked like a TV remote. “What is that?” she asked. “It’s a Virtual Reality headset,” the stylist replied. “I thought you might want to try it out before I color your hair. It’s the latest thing.” The woman was hesitant at first, but she decided to give it a try.

New technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are transforming the way we live, work, and play. For example, with AR and VR, users can now immerse themselves in digital experiences that are tailored to their personal interests and needs.

AR and VR offer users the ability to immerse themselves in digital experiences that are tailored to their personal interests and needs. For the beauty industry in Singapore, this means that users can now try on products before they buy them, or even experience what it would be like to use a product before it exists.

One of the most exciting applications of AR and VR in the beauty industry is in the area of hair color. With these new technologies, users can now try on different hair colors without having to commit to a dye job. This means that users can explore different hair colors and styles without having to worry about the damaging effects of hair dye.

Another exciting application of AR and VR in the beauty industry is in the area of makeup. With these new technologies, users can now try on different makeup products and shades without having to go to a makeup counter. This means that users can explore different makeup products and looks anywhere in Singapore, without having to worry about the time and expense of going to a salon.

The beauty industry is just beginning to scratch the surface of what is possible with AR and VR. These new technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we shop for beauty products, the way we learn about new products, and the way we experience the world of beauty.

For more information on AR/VR for beauty and cosmetics platforms. Connect



7 Temasek Boulevard #12–07 Suntec

Tower One, Singapore 038987

+65 80440785

Categories: Blockchain, Crypto, Experiential, interactive, Metaverse, Web3, AR, VR, Beauty industry, Cosmetics, Singapore

